- 2008.05.04: Adios Seton Hill and Introduction to Literary Study
- 2008.04.24: A Life or Death Matter
- 2008.04.22: Hamilton Teaches Me About Shakespeare
- 2008.04.22: GREAT book.
- 2008.04.20: Children Armies
- 2008.04.20: Two Parts.
- 2008.04.17: Pseudo-Hyperscription
- 2008.04.17: Humans are Just Tools
- 2008.04.15: Introducing the Conclusion
- 2008.04.10: A Balancing Act
- 2008.04.10: I had too much fun looking for words...
- 2008.04.08: Learning Something New Everyday
- 2008.04.08: Hatred: A Poem
- 2008.04.03: A Continued History of Blogging
- 2008.04.03: Emails and Texts and IMs -- Oh My!
- 2008.04.02: I Don't Think You Need All of Those at the end of Your Sentence There...
- 2008.04.01: Attack of the Killer Semicolons
- 2008.04.01: Practice Makes Perfect... Right?
- 2008.03.30: The Dreaded Apostrophe
- 2008.03.30: A Stickler for Grammar.
- 2008.03.25: Survivor
- 2008.03.12: Making a Hero Look Even Better
- 2008.03.12: Book Smarts vs. Common Sense
- 2008.03.11: Vindicated - More Than Just a Good Dashboard Confessional Song
- 2008.03.10: How Old is Too Old?
- 2008.03.06: Agreeing With Lemire: Too Good to be True?
- 2008.03.06: I'm Not Living in a Box
- 2008.03.04: Why Would an Author Write The Way He (or she!) Did?
- 2008.03.04: Breaks: A Chain-Store Worker's Heaven
- 2008.03.02: Workplace Crusaders: Should You Speak Up or Save Your Skin?
- 2008.03.02: Are YOU a Book or a Magazine Person?
- 2008.03.02: Teaching Kids to Love Reading...
- 2008.02.28: What's a Man Made Of?
- 2008.02.28: A Tiny Book of Partially-Concrete Answers?
- 2008.02.26: Home, Life, and Knowledge
- 2008.02.26: The Overly Dramatic Girls Love Hyperboles
- 2008.02.24: Blogging: A History
- 2008.02.24: Love Always Wins in the End
- 2008.02.21: Sirens to Warn Men
- 2008.02.21: No common sense for the common man.
- 2008.02.19: Money, Marriage, and Cynicism
- 2008.02.19: Be Not Fearful of Death
- 2008.02.19: Looking Past Beauty
- 2008.02.17: It's a Victory, but at What Cost?
- 2008.02.16: The Sweet Taste of Victory
- 2008.02.16: Time Flies When You're Having Fun
- 2008.02.14: Get Used to Some Changes
- 2008.02.14: Just Stop Looking. You'll Never Find It.
- 2008.02.12: There is no Book on Symbolism
- 2008.02.12: Parents, Discipline, and the Misfit
- 2008.02.07: Document What You Can See on Paper
- 2008.02.07: Stage Directions Don't Just Help the Actors
- 2008.02.05: Small Town Ideas
- 2008.02.05: Losing an Identity
- 2008.02.03: Dinner Reveals More Than Just Your Appetite
- 2008.02.03: Starry-Eyed Popularity Seekers
- 2008.01.27: Seton Hill University Academic Weblog
Recent Comments
Katie Vann on Hamilton Teaches Me About Shakespeare: I know how you feel. I sometim
Dennis G. Jerz on GREAT book.: Thanks for the feedback. Yes,
Stephanie Wytovich on GREAT book.: Great entry hun! I couldn't ag
Dennis G. Jerz on Hamilton Teaches Me About Shakespeare: I can think of one thing that
Greta Carroll on Two Parts.: Ally, I wrote about the same t
Kaitlin Monier on Introducing the Conclusion: I had a writing teacher in hig
Jessie Farine on Introducing the Conclusion: This is a good bit of advice.
Dennis G. Jerz on Introducing the Conclusion: If I could bottle and sell the
Maddie Gillespie on Introducing the Conclusion: Your high school teacher reall