Following the News II (Or trying to at Least)

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Day 2

     "Allegheny River Boulevard reopens"

     Surprisingly, nothing else was disclosed about the Penn Hills story.  I scoured to no avail.  I was really surprised by this because the initial story really leaves you wanting more.  It indicates that the details are unknown and it seems logical that the next step is to acquire the names of the victims and the cause of the accident amongst other things.  And it’s not like it’s a fast news week. 

     We’ve learned that stories often get bumped because they aren’t important enough as compared to some of the other breaking stories.  However, there seems like there hasn’t been too many compelling news stories this week (which is good in general but bad for this assignment).  Now I’m starting to understand the sick fixation that journalists have with bad things happening.  It’s better for them, as bad as it sounds, for bad things to happen because it gives them interesting things to write about.  I’ve noticed that one of my classmates, Kaitlin Monier, had the same problem with this story.


     "Patience urged in getting flu shots"

     As for my second story, there has been an update.  As I had anticipated, people are getting worried that they will not get the shot.  In this article, the news is doing what it does best, inciting panic.  We talked about this in class, mainly having to do with broadcast news, but here the newspaper makes use of the same techniques.  As far as I can tell from this article, Allegheny County still had not received any vaccinations, yet.

*Check out Day 1 here.

*Check out my conclusion of the activity on Day 3. 




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