January 2008 Archives

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The web address "http://blogs.setonhill.edu/FirstnameLastname" is where your most recent entries will appear. New entries will appear at the top of this page, and older entries will slide down the page and eventually move to an archive.

To create and edit entries on your site, go to blogs.setonhill.edu, and log in with your blog username and password. (You'll need to get that information from a blog administrator. Contact me, Dennis Jerz, for help.)

I have posted a welcome message on the New Media Journalism weblog, which has links to tutorials and troubleshooting guides.

April 2008

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Recent Comments

Angela Palumbo on too much information: Plot summary is a hard illness
Dennis G. Jerz on too much information: Yes, your STW teacher has made
Greta Carroll on Varied Syntax: Angelia, using a mixture of se
Maddie Gillespie on Varied Syntax: Writing varied sentences has a
Dennis G. Jerz on My thoughts on time: I understand the pressure that
Kaitlin Monier on Themes: Theme is a hard term to explai
Lauren Miller on the comma: I love the comma and I probabl
Dennis G. Jerz on Themes: Good points, Angelica and Gret
Greta Carroll on Themes: Theme is an interesting part o
Ally Hall on "Quotation Marks.": I'm with you when you say you