This is Me
My name is Angelica Guzzo. I am a freshman at Seton Hill University. I am an English Literature major and seeking certification in Elementary Education and Special Education. I am currently taking Introduction to Literary Study with Dr. Jerz. I have learned how to blog from taking this course. I have blog entries due every class from Shakespeare, poems, and short stories.
Blogging is a great way to communicate with my classmates. It’s an easy way to see their interpretation of a particular reading. Blogging also helps to develop class discussion of a reading. I feel my blogging has improved. I am starting to feel more comfortable with posting my thoughts and experiences.
Coverage: these entries have a link that goes back to the course web page and a quote from the assigned reading.
Timeliness: These entries were all written at least 24 hours before class.
Who's really Calling the Shots?
Funny Kind of Love received 4 comments
Time was commented on by 6 of my peers
Trusting Soul was commented on 5 times
Novel vs Short Story 5 people commented and agreed with me on this entry
Murder Mystery was also commented on 5 times
Depth: these are examples of my longer entries
Juliana commented on my entry death is kind and I replied on back to her on her entry Thank you Death
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