This is Me

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My name is Angelica Guzzo. I am a freshman at Seton Hill University. I am an English Literature major and seeking certification in Elementary Education and Special Education. I am currently taking Introduction to Literary Study with Dr. Jerz. I have learned how to blog from taking this course. I have blog entries due every class from Shakespeare, poems, and short stories.

Blogging is a great way to communicate with my classmates.  It’s an easy way to see their interpretation of a particular reading. Blogging also helps to develop class discussion of a reading. I feel my blogging has improved. I am starting to feel more comfortable with posting my thoughts and experiences.

Coverage: these entries have a link that goes back to the course web page and a quote from the assigned reading.

more than just a common theme

It's all in her Beauty

Geographic Importance

Timeliness: These entries were all written at least 24 hours before class.

Who's really Calling the Shots?

Death is not the end

Eagles and Robins

Original or Not?

Symbolic Everything


Funny Kind of Love received 4 comments

Time was commented on by 6 of my peers

Trusting Soul was commented on 5 times

Novel vs Short Story 5 people commented and agreed with me on this entry

Murder Mystery was also commented on 5 times

Depth: these are examples of my longer entries

Dickinson's Influence

Short Story Gold


Juliana commented on my entry death is kind and I replied on back to her on her entry Thank you Death

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April 2008

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