April 2008 Archives
This is my last blog portfolio. I must say I have enjoyed blogging and communicating with my peers. I didn't have as many entries as I have had in my past portfolios. I have grown a lot from my first portfolio; this is me and my second portfolio, my work so far. I hope you enjoy my last.
Coverage: these entries have a link that goes back to the course web page and a quote from the assigned reading.
Timeleness:These entries were all writen at least 24 hours before class.
Themes received 3 comments
I got it...now received 3 comments
the end received 3 comments
Depth: These are my longest entries
I left a lengthy comment on Jessie's blog
I left a lengthy comment on Kaitlin's blog
I left a lengthy comment on Angela's blog
This is my last blog portfolio. I must say I have enjoyed blogging and communicating with my peers. I have grown a lot from my first portfolio; this is me and my second portfolio, my work so far. I hope you enjoy my last.
Coverage: these entries have a link that goes back to the course web page and a quote from the assigned reading.
Timeleness:These entries were all writen at least 24 hours before class.
Themes received 3 comments
I got it...now received 3 comments
the end received 3 comments
Depth: These are my longest entries
I left a lengthy comment on Jessie's blog
I left a lengthy comment on Kaitlin's blog
I left a lengthy comment on Angela's blog
Vivian says at the beginning of the play that she is going to die, which made me think it is going to be a theme to this play. Vivian describes herself as a “professor of seventeenth- century poetry, specializing in the Holy Sonnets of John Donne” (5). I felt bad that when Susie questioned her, “You’re not having a lot of visitors, are you?”(34). She replied “None, to be precise´ (34).
I felt so bad for Vivian when Jason is questioning her. He isn’t fully paying attention. He asks her if her parents are still living. She tells him, “My father, suddenly, when I was twenty, of a heart attack. My mother, slowly, when I was forty-one and forty-two, of cancer. Breast Cancer.” (23) He then question “cancer?” and she has to repeat “Brest Cancer.” I just felt annoyed for her.
Vivian tells us that she “survived eight treatments of Hexamethophosphacil and Vinplatin at the full dos, ladies and gentlemen. I have broken the record. I have become something of a celebrity.” (53) I took this as she has hope. She could survive this too, but hope is lost when Vivian says, “My cancer is not getting cured, is it” (66) and when she says, “they never expected it to be, did they” (67). It broke my heart that she had to come to the realization that death is inevitable. She was in excruciating pain all the time. She tries to downplay it, but it can’t be ignored.
This play touched me because I lost both of my grandfathers to cancer. I know they had hope and high spirits in the beginning, but then lost all hope. I know they were annoyed with the treatments, mostly the effects of the treatments. The play made me feel better because we did not leave them. They had visitors until the end. Vivian teaching lessons made me think of how my Nonno spent more time teaching me different Italian words and Italian songs once he found out he was sick.
I feel like Ender is starting to come into his own. I think he still has issues to deal with over who he wants to be. I think that could be a possible theme to the story. I was happy Ender felt remorse what he has done. I was happy he found himself.
I was skeptical about this book, but I learned that it wasn’t bad. It was actually really interesting. I think it helped that I felt sorry for Ender and I wanted to see if he was finally able to see his true potential.
I have always had a hard time distinguishing blank verse from free verse until this semester. I learned that blank verse is “unrhymed iambic pentameter.” I’ve always enjoyed writing in free verse. I don’t like having constrictions when I write. I can just let my ideas flow. I feel that when there are no constraints, I can express my feelings better. I can say the words in my heart and not have to change anything around to make it rhyme or fit a pattern.
I think I used to write free verse because I had a hard time understanding poetry. I know in this class I struggled with rhyme schemes and stressed and unstressed syllables. I just wanted to avoid it. But, when it came time to write sonnets, I couldn’t hide from my fears anymore. It took a while, but my patience paid off. I finally understood.
I enjoy writing in blank verse as well. But for the longest time, I thought I was writing a blank verse when really I was writing in free verse. I just learned that blank verse is written in iambic pentameter. I didn’t feel as constricted writing in blank verse. Yes iambic pentameter is a constraint, but its only one constraint.
I still prefer writing in free verse. I just feel I can be more open with my thoughts that way. But, at least now it’s a choice. Now I can say it’s a type of poetry I prefer, not it’s the only type of poetry I understand.
It is really hard to pick just one quote. Ender is a kid and is looked at as just a kid, but he has proven them wrong. He was the only salamander that wasn’t frozen. I like how there is a relationship between Ender and his siblings. I think it helps to show what Ender is like. His sister, Valentine, is less into having power. She worries a lot about her brothers. Peter enjoys power. He can be evil. Ender however is not like his brother and doesn’t wish to start. Ender is a genius. I just keep feeling bad that he is so lonely.
I thought I should write about sonnets because we have just finished writing our own and I was not very good at them. I like writing Shakespearean sonnets. “The Shakespearean sonnet: three QUATRAINS and a final COUPLET, which rhyme abab cdcd efef gg.” (231) I had a tough time writing sonnets. I think it was because I was worried about the lines being ten syllables and followed the rhyme scheme. I didn’t pay attention to iambic pentameter.
I’ll be honest; I couldn’t understand stressed and unstressed syllables. That made it very difficult to write a sonnet. I think going over it in class a couple times and hearing what unstressed and stressed sounds like really helped. I had an idea of what I wanted to write about in my head. I just didn’t know how to make it fit the pattern. I spent a long time fixing my sonnets, but this time I focused on iambic pentameter before the rhyme scheme. I would say the line out loud (which I’m sure everyone on my floor enjoyed). It took me a while, but I think I understand a little better now.
“Ender wasn’t very hungry during breakfast. He kept wondering what it would be like at school. Facing Stilson, after yesterday’s fight. What Stilson’s friends would do. Probably nothing, but he couldn’t be sure. He didn’t want to go.” (Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card, pg 17)
I don’t normally read science fiction. I was skeptical about this book, but I found it’s not that bad. It’s just something I need to get used to. I found it not as sci-fi as I thought it was going to be. This passage made me sympathize with Ender. I felt bad he has such a hard time with friends.
I think Ender is a relatable character. I feel bad for him. School is hard enough with friends, let alone no friends. I find this book to be a little hard to follow at times. I’m a little confused. Hopefully that will change in my next blog.
“Start with the readings, but don't pad your paper with summary.”
This is hard for me. I have noticed that I can easily get swept up in plot summary. I think because a research paper has a certain length, I feel I won’t be able to fill the space. Another reason I summarize sources, is because I think it’s all important. I also have a hard time cutting material out of my paper. Sometimes, I feel there is too much important information. I don’t want to eliminate sources that make my point.
I learned in Thinking and Writing to read the sources first and then place them into my paper. Before, I would just start typing away and not before long, I had two pages out of three dedicated to two sources. Then I would spend too much type cutting information out. Reading first, helps to organize your thoughts as well. It also helps because you can evaluate all of your sources and put only the really important information in your paper. It helps to save time.
Here are words I now know..thank you urban dictionary
Gangsta- someone who has money but made it illegally and if they don't have money they are trying to make it illegally but not everyone who extorts, steals, sells drugs, guns, or women is a gangsta some gangstas do work or own businesses in order to launder money a gangsta will hurt or kill you about money mainly, and generally doesn't start trouble, that's a thug, but a gangsta will finish something you start and come out on top.
Example from http://k_koerberoh.tripod.com/gangsandme/id21.html:
Gangsters are destructive, rather than being vital, creative, or procreative.
I chose this word because in my high school, all the guys would call each other gansta. I thought it made them sound ridiculous. I was confused as to why they dropped the e and r from the word. From reading urban dictionary, I learned gansta and gangster are two different words.
A hot mess- a hot mess is when something just aint' right
Example from http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080329164418AA4MOoJ :
Another woman who works in the bookstore at school, calls him a "hot mess" and warned me before to stay away from him , like everyone else told me to) I don't get it...
I chose this phrase because I hear this phrase in music and on television shows. I find it funny too. I find it amusing that we refer to a person whose life is out of control, a person whose hair is messy, or a person who doesn’t dress like us, a hot mess. I thought I understood what it meant, but I guess it has multiple meanings.
N*sync- An untalented manufactured singing group that can't play instruments.
Example from, http://homie_g_1.tripod.com/nomoresissymusic/id2.html:
Why N Sync sucks
These guys are the most annoying boy band of all boy bands. Not only do they have voices that sound like a twelve year old girl being beat up with a nightstick, but they also prance around the stage like wounded chickens.
I chose this word because I used to love N Sync when I was younger. I thought they were amazing. I found it funny that urban dictionary’s definition of N Sync is negative. I find it funny now to read N Sync bashing websites. Back then, I would get really upset if I saw websites against them.
“Most writers strive for variety in their use of SYNTAX” (Hamilton 191)
There should be a mixture of sentences in writing. Writers try to mix simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, parallelism, loose sentences and metaphors. It gets boring to read the same style of sentence structure.
I like how Tim O’Brien’s memoir, The Things They Carried, is brought up. I had read the book in high school. It was like nothing I’ve read before. In his work, he purposely repeated a syntactical pattern. Hamilton explains that authors sometimes do this.
I learned about a periodic sentence. I had never heard of this. It uses a series of parallel clauses to create a picture of hope for the reader.
There is never enough time to finish.
Life moves way too fast for me anyway.
Papers, assignments, help me to begin.
Working all day and night, I still feel lost.
It’s easy to feel like something’s missing.
Don’t forget this, can’t forget that either.
All is important, what am I to do?
So little time in the day, this is tough.
I need to find a way before night falls.
I will achieve my goal, I have to now.
The theme is the “value conveyed” in a literary work. A theme can be, be true to oneself and never give up. Theme is a rhetorical device I fully understand. In high school, we spent a lot of time on the topic of theme. I like how Hamilton says theme differs from the subject of the work. I remember lots of my classmates would have a difficult time with that. They would ask me for help and I didn’t know how to explain it to them. This book would of helped a lot. Then they could see it.
At first the idea og blogging my thoughts was scary. Now I feel blogging is a greta way to interact with my classmates and to get my opinions heard. I feel that my entries have improved since my last log portfolio, This is Me
Coverage: these entries have a link that goes back to the course web page and a quote from the assigned reading.
Timeleness:These entries were all writen at least 24 hours before class.
The End received 4 comments
The working poor received 4 comments
Epiphany received 3 comments
Depth: These are my longest entries
Kaitlin- i left a lengthy comment
Angela- i left a lengthy comment as well a link to my blog
Recent Comments
Chelsea on Dickinson's Influence: I'm doing a report on Emily Di
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Erica Gearhart on terrible end: Thanks so much for sharing you
Angela Palumbo on terrible end: Awww...I'm sorry to hear ab
Kaitlin Monier on free verse is great: It's nice to understand the di
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