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“Valentine celebrated Ender’s eighth birthday alone, in the wooded back yard of their new home in Greensboro. She scraped a patch of ground bare of pine needles and leaves, and there scratched his name in the dirt with a twig.” (Card 122)

It is really hard to pick just one quote. Ender is a kid and is looked at as just a kid, but he has proven them wrong. He was the only salamander that wasn’t frozen.  I like how there is a relationship between Ender and his siblings. I think it helps to show what Ender is like. His sister, Valentine, is less into having power. She worries a lot about her brothers. Peter enjoys power. He can be evil. Ender however is not like his brother and doesn’t wish to start. Ender is a genius. I just keep feeling bad that he is so lonely.

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