My Final Blog Portfolio

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This is my last blog portfolio. I must say I have enjoyed blogging and communicating with my peers. I have grown a lot from my first portfolio; this is me and my second portfolio, my work so far. I hope you enjoy my last.

Coverage: these entries have a link that goes back to the course web page and a quote from the assigned reading.

not that bad


Timeleness:These entries were all writen at least 24 hours before class.

My thoughts on time

Varied Syntax

too much information


Themes received  3 comments

I got  received 3 comments

the end  received 3 comments

Depth: These are my longest entries

this is too much

free verse is great

terrible end


I left a lengthy comment on Jessie's blog

I left a lengthy comment on Kaitlin's blog

I left a lengthy comment on Angela's blog

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