my work so far

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At first the idea og blogging my thoughts was scary. Now I feel blogging is a greta way to interact with my classmates and to get my opinions heard. I feel that my entries have improved since my last log portfolio, This is Me

Coverage: these entries have a link that goes back to the course web page and a quote from the assigned reading.

That's not Fair

Magazine Desires

I am not my degree

third person

Timeleness:These entries were all writen at least 24 hours before class.

Am I Alone Here?


Who's to say?

confusion with the semicolon

"Quotation Marks."


The End received 4 comments

The working poor received 4 comments

Epiphany received 3 comments

Depth: These are my longest entries

why teach


punctuation please

It's about time

the comma



Kaitlin- i left a lengthy comment

Angela- i left a lengthy comment as well a link to my blog 

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April 2008

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