not that bad

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“Ender wasn’t very hungry during breakfast. He kept wondering what it would be like at school. Facing Stilson, after yesterday’s fight. What Stilson’s friends would do. Probably nothing, but he couldn’t be sure. He didn’t want to go.” (Ender’s Game, Orson Scott Card, pg 17)

I don’t normally read science fiction. I was skeptical about this book, but I found it’s not that bad. It’s just something I need to get used to. I found it not as sci-fi as I thought it was going to be. This passage made me sympathize with Ender. I felt bad he has such a hard time with friends.

I think Ender is a relatable character.  I feel bad for him. School is hard enough with friends, let alone no friends.  I find this book to be a little hard to follow at times. I’m a little confused. Hopefully that will change in my next blog.

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