the end

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“All the more dangerous because he could so easily be controlled. In all the world, the name of Ender is one to conjure with. The child-god, the miracle worker, with life and death in his hands. Every petty tyrant-to-be would like to have the boy, to set him in front of an army and watch the world either flock to join or cower in fear.” (Card 307)

I feel like Ender is starting to come into his own. I think he still has issues to deal with over who he wants to be.  I think that could be a possible theme to the story.  I was happy Ender felt remorse what he has done. I was happy he found himself.

I was skeptical about this book, but I learned that it wasn’t bad. It was actually really interesting. I think it helped that I felt sorry for Ender and I wanted to see if he was finally able to see his true potential.


Stephanie Wytovich said:

I think that his identity search could def. be considered one of the themes in this novel. Good analysis.

Greta Carroll said:

Well, I don’t think Ender ever truly doubted he had potential, although he doubt whether he should be the chosen one. But Ender definitely did discover himself, and learning who he was and his identity did not just come from his good experiences, but also from the bad. Being tricked into exterminating the buggers (or at least seemingly to have) allowed Ender to really appreciate the value of life and the similarities between both humans and buggers later.

I also find your quote interesting because in a way it relates back to my blog entry:
Once again in your quote, it is showing how Ender could “easily controlled” if he is convinced he is helping the people he cares about. It is Ender’s compassion that allows him to be used, and why Peter was not the one for the job.

Katie Vann said:

Angelica and Gretta, you both made good points about how Ender's personality allowed him to be controlled. At first I couldn't figure out why Peter wasn't chosen. Obviously he was killer, but wouldn't someone like that be useful in fighting? But then I understood that Peter couldn't be controlled and often times couldn't think rationally like Ender could. Ender could fight, think, and be controlled.

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Katie Vann on the end: Angelica and Gretta, you both
Greta Carroll on the end: Well, I don’t think Ender ever
Stephanie Wytovich on the end: I think that his identity sear