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Does Success Equal Happiness Or Does Happiness Equal Success?

Lemire, I'm an English Major: Now What? (Intro & Ch 1) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)"Happiness is both a condition and a philosophy-an attitude, a perspective, or a way of thinking."

It is my belief that someone can only be as happy or successful as that person thinks he or she is. Lemire goes on to talk about that success is only valued at the degree to which it makes a person happy, and that having a real job is the key to success. I think what a person thinks constitutes as a "real job" is a matter of opinion. To me, as long as a person is doing what they love and making a living from it, that counts as a job. Just because a job is not an established profession in an office building or something doesn't mean a career can't be made from it. If a person can make enough to live off of while indulging one's passion, then that can be considered successful. If someone is happy to do their job everyday, then they are successful.

It is my belief that a person is only as happy as they think they are.

Comments (1)

I agree. Everyone is different, and, therefore, everyone has a different definition of what it means to be happy and successful...and whether or not their job is a "real job."

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