It's Good To Have A Back Burner

Bethany Bouchard
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Lemire (skim Ch 2-7) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"If you are considering teaching because you can't think of anything else to do(regardless of whether teaching is a career you plan to stick with your whole life or a job you intend to try for only a year or two) stops."

While teaching has always been somthing that I've wanted to do, this book has made me think of all the other options that are open to me as an English major. Teaching high school English is definitely the direction that I want to go with my career. For other English majors who aren't sure what they want to do, it might still be a good idea to get certified for teaching to have it has a sort of back-up job. Of course, teaching is not a job that everyone can do, or wants to do, but it allows you to support yourself while doing freelance work or pursuing your dream job. I myself might also look into other jobs just to see what else I can do. I will feel better doing this knowing that I can always teach.

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This page contains a single entry by Bethany Bouchard published on February 28, 2007 5:12 PM.

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