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Strangers Have The Best Candy??

O'Connor, ''The River'' -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"He went in the shack and picked out a peppermint stick, a foot long and two inches thick, from the candy shelf, and stuck it in his hip pocket. Then he got in the car and drove slowly down the highway after the boy."

This story was very confusing. I'm not sure if I really understood it. The plot was very random and sporadic, and it was hard for me to follow what was going on. Whenever I was reading the part that I quoted above, I thought that Mr. Paradise was going to lure Bevel/Harry with his peppermint stick and kill him. I was surprised that Bevel brought his death upon himself.

Comments (1)

shayla sorrells:

I agree that the story was very confusing, but it was basically talking about religion. And I don't think Bevel brought death on himself, it was just an accident

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