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There Are No Small Parts

Wit -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"I think it's like he's hiding. I think he's really confused, I don't know, maybe he's scared, so he hides behind all this complicated stuff, hides behind his wit."

I thought this was one of the most important lines in the play, and it was written for a character that has only a brief part. It really sums up the psychoanalysis behind the character of Vivian. I thought it was interesting how Edson chose to reveal it through a flashback and that it was not directly about her, but it is meant for her. Vivian is confused about her life and about what will happen to her after death. She's scared, so she hides behind her complicated thoughts and behind her wit.

Comments (1)

Corey Struss:

This entry helped me realize that the quote you used was one of the most important quotes in the play. The fact that it was spoken by such a character with such a minor role in the play was also huge. It's almost like, this character doesn't even know Vivian all that well, but to him, Vivian's confusion and fright are just too obvious.

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