Definings, How-to's, Remixes, and Tweets-In Other Words, Blog Portfolio 1

Bethany Bouchard
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As we have progressed into the semester in EL236: Writing for the Internet (one month already!), we have gone over so much in such a short amount of time. We've learned how to apply what we are learning in class to what we publish in our blogs and microblogs (Twitter), use hashtags and links to emphasize certain points, edit an article on Wikipedia, and are now in the stages of planning our remix projects. This portfolio will provide links to all the blogs and microblogs posted so far reflecting my progress in the class thus far in six different categories: Interaction, Depth, Discussion, Outside material, Ethos, and Convention.

I am learning how to use my blog to cater to my own professional goals. Using the microblog gives my classmates, as well as a wider audience easier access to what I publish in my blog by linking them to hashtags. I better understand the real uses for Wikipedia, not only as a research tool, but also as a place to be a part of a community that provides valid information. I have also come to understand the point behind creating remix project as something not to steal from other artists, but to use other artists' work to create something new.

I always try to respond to comments left on my blog.

I have been reflective and have gone in-depth with my thoughts.

I have discussed classmates' topics with them on their blogs.

I included links in my blog to things relevant to my entry and what was being commented on (see the comment section of this one). I also used to url shortener in my microblog when appropriate.

I have depicted my professional and reflective side, while maintaining my sense of humor.

I have made effective use of hashtags, been creative with titles, and made inventive use inside of Twitter's character limitations.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Bethany Bouchard published on September 17, 2010 8:27 AM.

Remix Project was the previous entry in this blog.

Throw It in the Mixing Bowl and Stir It Up...My Remix Project is the next entry in this blog.

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