This has been a semester of ups and downs for me. For example: Up. This is the last blog porfolio due for EL236. Down. This is the blog portfolio, for me, at least, that contains the least content. Up. The down is because of my obsession with working on my graduation porfolio and my website project. See how this is going? It's time for finals, and here is a look at the road that led me here: wikipedia editing, remix project, multimedia project, and making my own website, which still is not the best it could be, but we're getting there. This is what has been going on since the last portfolio:
Unfortunately I have been slacking off on posting on classmates' blogs during this last leg, and when I've tried in last-ditch attempts to pump up my portfolio, I run into problems. I did make a point, as always, to respond to comments on my blog.
I tweet about my blog updates and reference my outside material for those who are too busy or would rather just get straight to that.
For my creative writing entries, I provide microblog updates/brief descriptions about where my idea came from.
In entries regarding my website, I always include a link to the the stage of the site being referenced.
In regards to my ethos, I feel this very blog portfolio is the essence of it. There is some more writing that reflects it, though, as well as tweets.
I provided a detailed and successful site map and uploaded my simple site without too much pain, linking it to Twitter.
I don't know why I could access my RSS feed for my Tweets for the first two portfolios in order to highlight individual tweets, but cannont find where to do that for the most recent portfolios. I am aggravated and sorry. :( In essence I learned quite a lot during this short fifteen weeks.
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