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November 25, 2005
Where Do We Go From Here?- Informal Presentation
Although the reader believes he has reached the end of We the Media, Gillmor leaves us to our own beginnings.
No longer must the audience lay submissive to the world occurring around us. We control the media just as much as any professional journalist or broadcaster can- the Internet is our tool to transform this idea into a reality.
Just as the printing press enabled the people to control publishing separate from the church, the Internet empowers us to change the way news and ideas are presented. As Gillmor said, "it subsumes all that has come before and is, in the most fundamental way, transformative" (236).
Is it frightful at times? Yes, but our fear can't stop us from pushing towards better communication. Yet, what is our role as these new-age "transformers."
First and foremost, as Gillmor reminds his readers, we "must be active users of news, and not mere consumers" (238).
Secondly, "the Net should be the ally of thought and nuance, not a booster shot for knee-jerk reaction" (238).
Finally, "an informed citizenry cannot sit still for more of the same. It must demand more, and be part of the larger conversation" (238).
Yet, where do we go from here? Does it continue after this class? Or, rest within our choice to contribute our thoughts online through sites like Gillmor's? Wherever that destination leads, the responsibility to act weighs upon us from our predecessors. Without us, the "now," the aspirations which Gillmor exhausted to his audience meant nothing.
The conversation needs to start somewhere and this is our chance to make a difference, become apart of something which will transcend future generations. Worthy words matter, especially when they come from us. Because without it, who will dare to tread into this seemingly dark path?
Posted by BethanyHutira at November 25, 2005 09:23 PM
I had to tell you how exceptional I thought your presentation was. Your poise, confidence, and knowledge of the subject matter was impressive.
Posted by: NancyGregg at November 28, 2005 03:09 PM
Thank you Nancy for your kind comments! It always helps me even more to have an attentive classmate like you in the audience.
Posted by: Bethany Hutira at November 28, 2005 09:56 PM
I agree with Nancy - you were superb. I really liked how you tied the whole course together, making us reflect on everything we've learned.
You're going to be a great teacher! You're my hero...
Posted by: Johanna at December 2, 2005 03:43 AM
Thanks Johanna! I learned from one of the best! :)
Posted by: Bethany at December 2, 2005 09:07 AM