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March 8, 2006
The River
O'Connor, ''The River'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)"She has a hangover." This was the only place where I laughed out loud. Bevel is only 4-5 years old and knows what a hangover is, yet is so innocent that he was going to "keep on going until he found the Kingdom of Christ in the river" (51). At this tender age, Bevel is pawned off, unsupervised, feeds himself and is aware of things that no 4-5 year old should be. "The River" is literally a death of innocence story.
Posted by BrendaChristeleit at March 8, 2006 8:07 AM
I also thought the boy stealing the book was a nice touch, but by that time I wasn't expecting yuks from this story.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at March 8, 2006 11:50 AM
I think his stealing the book and his damp coat were attempts to keep himself grounded, although they ended up making him unbalanced, leaning to one side. I can't get this image out of my head of little Bevel with his eyes half shut and his coat on crooked. O'Connor gives him freedom as he is carried away down the river, perhaps the first time in his life something has been so clear and pure in its intent towards him.
Posted by: Jennifer DiFulvio at March 10, 2006 4:12 PM
I thought about this often while reading the book: I think the point is, he is very innocent but also a very bright boy. However, really kids are like this. They take things because they do not understand. It is obvious that his parents do not spend much time with him to teach him right or wrong.
It is said that he spends a lot of time with sitters. So he probably didnt see anything wrong with stealing the book. He was excited by the book. It gave him a sense of being. It showed him where he came from.
Little kids say things all the time and dont know what they mean. I am sure he didnt know what a hangover was even thought he said his mom had it. He probably he just repeating what he has heard. He is only 4 so he is being shaped.
Posted by: OnileeSmith at March 13, 2006 7:55 PM