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April 8, 2006

Juke Box Love Song

Hughes and Frost -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)
I Could take the Harlem night
and wrap around you,
Take the Lenox Avenue busses,
Taxis, subways,
And for your love song tone their rumble down,,,

Taking Harlem as a beautiful sensory experience as a present to your girlfriend. How cool is that! He's giving her a crown of neon, writing her a song out of the rumble of subways and cars and dancing with her until the dawn. This poem is so lively and energetic, you can't help but smile when you read it.

Posted by BrendaChristeleit at April 8, 2006 8:43 PM


As someone passionately in love with New York City, I had a strong emotional reaction to this poem. Sure, it's a love song to Hughes' "sweet brown Harlem girl." But it's also a love song to the city he loves so much. After all, it is the best gift he can give her.

Posted by: Megan Ritter at April 12, 2006 4:50 PM

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