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April 22, 2006

List of Readings/Associated Topic

Roberts, Ch.17 -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)As Roberts suggests, I've tried to relate the readings that we've had throughout the semester with the in-class topic to try and get a little insight into what was expected of us.

Work Class Topic

Desert Places Historical Context
Mending Wall Close Reading
After Apple Picking Close Reading
The World Trade Center Reading Poems Aloud
Oster "On Desert Places" Close Reading/Literary Criticism
Trifles Close Rdg/Representations of Reality
BBHH Character/Representations of Reality
The Adding Machine Expressionism
Stevens/Williams Poems Poetry Analysis
MLA Style - know how to cite books, articles, sites, etc.
Stevens Symbolism & Allusion
Williams Poetic Form
Gatsby Point of View
Gatsby Use of references and tenses in writing
Kumamoto Close reading/symbolism/allusion
Gatsby & the Sims Academic Journal Article
A Good Man is... Southern Gothic
The River Southern Gothic
The Life You Save... " "
Roberts Chap 18 Demonstrative Research Essays
A Stroke of Good Fortune
A Temple of The Holy Ghost
Roberts Appen. Critical Theory Workshop
The Artificial Nigger
A Circle in the Fire
A Late Encounter with the Enemy
Good Country People Ideas and Meanings in Literature
The Displaced Person
Roberts #8 Writing about an idea or theme
Hughes & Frost Writing aboue a problem
The Color of Water Comparison/Contrast (we spent very little time of this, and instead focused on biographical writing)

Some of these works and topics clearly mesh, others don't. I am just trying to formulate some sample questions as an aid in studying for the final.

Posted by BrendaChristeleit at April 22, 2006 9:31 PM


This is a great resource, Brenda.

Occasionally the class discussion is so good that I never get around to making an explicit connection between the literary work and the supplemental material from Roberts.

It's true, for instance, we didn't directly discuss comparison/contrast when we discussed The Color of Water, but I did ask the class to contrast the autobiography that you might write about yourselves with the whole truth of your life.

For the final, I promise that I won't ask any obscure questions about the Roberts textbook. I might ask you to perform a comparison/contrast, or I might ask you to talk about imagery or close reading, but I won't quiz you on the content of _Writing about Liteature_.

Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at April 22, 2006 11:30 PM

Thanks for asking about all these readings. That helped with Dr.Jerz giving more of an idea narrowing do the possiablity of what type of questions may be on the final.

Posted by: Melissa Lupari at April 23, 2006 11:36 AM

Awesome tool for studying, Brenda. Thanks!

Posted by: ChrisU at April 25, 2006 9:12 AM

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