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February 13, 2007

The Heavenly Sphere

Anonymous, ''Everyman'' -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

Death: Yea, certainly. Though have forget him here, He thinketh on thee in the heavenly sphere...

I really like this line. First of all, I love the language, "the heavenly sphere." But it also makes me think. Even when we forget about him, and act according to what we want for ourselves, God's still thinking about us in heaven. He never forgets us and constantly wants us to improve our lives.

I also took a special note as I was reading for poetic diction. It's used so often that I now realize why a specific term for these words has been formed.

Posted by CheraPupi at February 13, 2007 2:13 PM


I agree very much with you. I agree that even when we forget about God, he still is thinking about us in heaven. It was also interesting to me that so many literary terms could be applied to this story. I also thought that the line had a formal tone to it. But, I agree with your comment.

Posted by: Derek Tickle at February 13, 2007 5:28 PM

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