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Below Zero - Weblog Portfolio: Spring 2006

Welcome! My name is Chris Ulicne. I'm a student at Seton Hill University (SHU), and this is a portfolio cover entry for my weblog, Below Zero. Included below is a list of links to all of the most significant entries -- both on my own blog and the blogs of my peers -- from Spring 2006.

Feel free to browse through this collection and perhaps even post some comments, if you like.

Robert Frost - "Desert Places": Lonely in the crowd - In this entry I explain how reading a poem aloud helped me to discover a new personal interpretation. [Coverage]

Mending and Apple-Picking - Here I analyze two poems in a little more depth than usual. [Coverage, Depth]

A poet's passion - In this entry I explain my personal connection to something I found in an academic article that helped me develop new understanding of a poem. [Coverage]

The World Trade Center - Building character - Here I examine a poem's message about the sentimental value people attach to objects. [Coverage]

Close reading... But not too close - In this entry I reflect on a textbook's message about close readings of literature. [Coverage, Discussion, Timeliness]

A different kind of the same thing - Here I explain my observations of feminist sentiments in a play. [Coverage, Discussion]

Guilty of cowardice? - In this entry I build upon a classmate's blog entry, introducing my own questions about the material. [Coverage, Interaction]

Revealing actions - Here I describe my affection for stories that reveal characters' personalities through their actions. [Coverage]

Stubborn ways - In this entry I connect a passage in a story to some personal observations about reality. [Coverage, Discussion]

"Sphinx" character development -- head, body, and wings - Here I use a classmate's observations to form my own detailed argument about a character in a story. [Coverage, Depth, Discussion, Interaction]

No business but pleasure - In this entry I point out a sighting of an economics theme in a play's depiction of the afterlife. [Coverage, Discussion, Timeliness]

Slaves to motion, change, and progress - Here I use a classmate's ideas to explore my own thoughts on a play, going into considerable depth. [Coverage, Depth, Interaction]

Wallace Stevens's perspective - In this entry I consider how a poet's background may have affected his works. [Coverage]

Symbolism: from one, many - In this entry I reflect upon the usefulness of symbols, drawing upon my experiences as a creative writer. [Coverage]

Home away from home - Here I explore the concept of American identity by considering one American poet's feelings about his nationality. [Coverage]

Poetry VFX - In this entry I briefly look back on my early experiences with poetry in high school. [Coverage]

The modernization of poetry - Here I consider the changes in style that occurred in the realm of poetry over time, particularly in America. [Coverage, Depth]

The Great Gatsby: Daisy's insincerity - In this entry I ask a few questions about a passage in a novel that confused me. [Coverage]

The Great Gatsby: Nick's honesty - Here I link to two classmates' entries on a topic and then add my own thoughts to the mix. [Coverage, Interaction]

Writing About Literature: Second-person point of view - In this entry I ponder using second-person point of view as an element of fiction in my future works. [Coverage]

Writing About Literature: Write now, right now - In this entry I explain how an assigned textbook reading clarified an important concept for me. [Coverage]

The Great Gatsby: The incomplete dream - Here I analyze a novel's portrayal of its characters and their motives. [Coverage, Depth]

The Great Gatsby: Tom destroys Gatsby's dream - In this entry I extend thoughts from an earlier entry and describe how they fit into the broad context of the complete novel. [Coverage]

Article --- Kumamoto, "Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby": The marriage trope
- Here I take a look at an unfamiliar term found in an academic article. [Coverage]

The Great Gatsby: Jordan Baker, my favorite - In this entry I explain my affection for my favorite character in a novel. [Coverage, Wildcard]


BrendaChristeleit - The Gatz outta the bag
- In this peer blog entry, I contribute a substantial comment in an ongoing discussion that challenges one classmate's interpretation of a text.

Shanelle Kapusta - No Monkey Business - In this peer blog entry, I add my own thoughts to the author's original observations of a text, starting a brief discussion.

TerraStumpf - EYES! - In this peer blog entry, I left a comment that I later expanded upon in one of my own blog entries.


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