The deadly rhythm
Jerz, ''Poetry is for the Ear'' -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"So there are two kinds of rhythm going on here -- the monotonous march of the "feet", and the pauses indicated by the sense of the poem -- poet's use of punctuation and phrasing in order to convey meaning."
OOh. Now I realize why my poetry sucks. I knew prior to this that there are different types of rhythm, but I never narrowed it down to only two types. In my poetry, I usually write in using the "marching of the feet" method. It becomes monotonous, I know, but hey, I didn't know anything better.
I can't wait to use the new kind of rhythm with the hyphens. I'm thinking that it could convey emotions like fright and acceptance, to temperature. Now I won't have to use words to explain how certain characters feel, I can just change the punctuation and phrasing, and get the point across to readers through that.
I personally love to use different kinds of punctuation in the things i write. If used properly and creativly, punctuation can be an amazing tool.
Posted by: Mike Poiarkoff | February 26, 2007 10:43 AM
I never knew how effective punctuation can be in poetry before either.
Posted by: Bethany Bouchard | February 27, 2007 10:53 PM