Let the chips fall where they may...
Wit -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"Brevity is the soul of wit."
Like almost everyone else on this blogosphere, I would have to say that Wit was the most uplifting, best piece of work that we have read all semester. I wish this play would have been assigned at the start of the semester, because, frankly, it would have given me more hope in this class and doing well in it.
Like MacKenzie said, this play appeared to be so grim on the outside, but after a thorough reading, it had so much spiritual humor. I just thought that Vivian was one of the bravest characters that I have ever read about it. Although she was going to die, and she knew it, she faced death with her head held high, and never tried to avert it. She 'let the chips fall where they may', and was an honorable lady in my book.
I would have to agree that Vivian was more than somewhat of an inspirational character. I'm not easily moved by literature, but vivian was a true hardass, and that got to me.
Posted by: Mike Poiarkoff | May 7, 2007 10:42 AM
Thanks for the feedback, Corey.
I like to think that one reason this play is so successful when I teach it in EL150 is that the semester has trained the students to be better readers. Further, I know from experience that we need a "good read" for the last text we tackle in class, and from what I can tell, those students who actually bothered to pick up the book seemed to get quite a lot out of it.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz
May 7, 2007 6:25 PM