The Digital Mixtap

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 So I got into this project, and ended up creating a digital mixtape, it even shows the old cassette being played.  I tried to throw a decent range of styles and artists, but I eventually gave way to boredom and exhaustion. Lets see if this works..

if that doesnt work, heres the link the site and my mixtape


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  Alright, last one here, and lets say this was the one I was most excited for (although I hope that doesn't convey that I hated each reading and so forth), but yes, I was a little "geeked" about the kindle. I really hadn't read any reviews or encountered anyone who has used it, or even owned one, but I suppose Amazon's target market is for those who need something more aside from their laptop, palm pilot, Ipod etc. Meaning, that poor young America really doesn't have the resources to get one. But enough of that, lets starting reviewing the product.


Aesthetics:  The kindle comes in a protective cover, with a strap that secure the cover from opening, The cover is visually reminiscent of   those out-dated and "old-school" books. The cover is black and sleek, which provides a sense of professionalism and sleekness.  Which really translates to you wont look like that big of a dork carrying one around, well no more so than carry your average paperback. Alright, lets open it up.


   Ok, the kindle itself is white, which works, because the original Ipods and Macs were white, so personally, I already have accepted the Kindle to this point, although Im sure the next generation will have Black! or even Creative Skins! (OMG!) .Anyways, the kindle itself is thin, under an inch here (take that Mac Air), and yes, its light. Light enough were you might be nervous to drop it if it did have a sleek protective cover! Right, the page options of the right and left work, although I often find myself bumping the page accidently while looking the thing over, or trying to turn it on/off. Im technologically clumsy, leave me alone...


     The use of the scroll wheel works, and simply having to push the wheel as the new "enter" bar creates an easier flow among the item. The actually screen is plain, so if your looking for color Ipod screen you might want to rethink how important your screen is. Its boring..yes, but also extremely practical. The screen is suppose to imitate paper, not a computer. This is to help reduce the strain on your eyes, so if you enjoy vision, get away from the optically damaging computer and pick up the new relaxing, vision aiding Kindle.    Oh, I just realized that you can't read in the kindle in complete darkness, so it is more akin to a real b ook than your computer, what a drag (Kidding).  Alright, home screen--> Its easy to use, its the scroll wheel!, and you can flip through your items by hitting next page or previous page. Selecting works is easy, and finding the table of contents or chapters within those books is simple.  I enjoy using the smaller screen to read, simply because it makes me feel like a speed reader, and in this age of quickness and ADD, who doesn't want to hit the "next page" button every 10-30 seconds. Marking your page (aka Dog Ear...classic idea) is a practical way to save your page, although the kindle remembers where you left off regardless. You can also highlight lines, add notes, or look up those "oh too confusing" words you've always skipped over.  Im surprised the Kindle has pictures, although I wish they were in color (no big deal), but I suppose that option was needed so you can read over the comics in Pittsburgh Post Gazette, which you receive daily from your subscription via the Kindle! You can also subscribe to blogs and so forth.


    Sadly I did not look into the Kindle Store, although I imagine it would be easy enough. I mean the purpose is to buy, so the store should allow one to navigate with ease. You can also throw Word Doc's onto there, which would help for those who want to review or read papers while actually riding the bus to class. Ya, pretty limited here since I didn't connect it to the internet, sorry reader (s), you'll have to fund raise and send me one before I start buying. 


   Would I buy this product? For 400 bucks... not yet. Perhaps if amazon teamed up with half-priced books (haven't they already?) or something like that and had all my school books located on their site; then I would buy one. The device is practical, especially for those who take public transportation or ride in planes every other day.   Although those would be the two most practical users, I found myself oddly comfortable reading from the Kindle, and without much time found it just as relaxing to hit "next" as oppose to flipping those technologically odd dated "paper text". If I received one from a family member or extremely generous friend, then I would of course use it almost daily. It really is practical, but Im still cheap, so unless you notch down the price I aint budgin. A friend of mine, who has expressed  contempt for reading, was sincerely interested in the Kindle, and was impressed by the overall format and style of the product. He even went as far as to say he might actually read if he had one, but lets not get carried away. The point is the Kindle sparks interest among readers and non-readers alike. Just think, a world where technological not only brings books together, but people... (I know I know,  corny, but only slightly sarcastic).  Heres my review, now go buy me a Kindle!

   " Instead, it appears that electronic publications are generally either read by different people than those who read printed works, or are used by them differently. " (WM Kim Pang 344)

In this article, Kim Pang takes a closer look at the effects the digital age has had on publication, manager, editors, etc. He has seemed to conclude that books and digital text seem to coexist without either really competing against the other.  Personally, on a daily basis I use both forms, although i often favor print because it forces me to focus on the subject  matter, as oppose to the digital text in which i often find myself browsing the internet and becoming easily distracted by links featured on the page. Which do you prefer? And why? Do you prefer one form for academics over leisure? Does anyone have any online subscriptions or accounts? How about newsletters online? 

"The important exception is the encyclopedia" (WM 344)

Kim Pang focuses on the decline of the encyclopedia, and how the digital age, specifically the internet, although users to download the encyclopedia, or simple look up the information using the search engines. Do you or anyone you know own an entire encyclopedia set? How about a digital version? Do you often use the encyclopedia? I personally almost never use one, and often look up information on the internet first.  Also, Kim Pang mentions the economics involving encyclopedia ;price, printing, market demands; and how these factors have created a decrease sales.

I also looked at Twain and his letter regarding his use of the typewriter. His concerns for dehumanization echo in todays culture regarding email and word processor. Twain eventually went back to hand writing his letters, but his passage doesn't seem to give a negative reflection upon the typewriter, rather he prefers hand written letters. 
This is the third and final installment in my blog portfolio for 336: History and future of the BOOK,in which we discuss the evolution of communication throughout history. My name is David Cristello, Im a sophomore Psy. major and accidently stumbled into this class. Hopefully this portfolio, as well as the other two I've posted, gives you an idea of the topics we've covered in class. 

Coverage: I went channel 11 on this one to bring you the latest and greatest. All entries have quotes and linkbacks, so give it a shot.

Timeliness: Up from the clouds, I delivered these on time. 

Interaction: My communication and post on other blogs. Which you should visit right after this one. 

Depth: What the Bleep do we know. 

Discussion: Its no Bill Maher, but I didnt promise much either. 

Doc. The end

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" Us old-timers, we're used to thinking of doctors as highly trained professionals--" (Doctorow 163)

Ah the future, where medicine is so advanced the field of medicine becomes near obsolete. In a world which has the cure for death, whats the use for the medical profession. Hmm, more importantly, how would this affect religion? I would assume a great deal since it appears that some of the believers only do so because of fear of dying, but in a world without death, what do you fear? Never dying? Eternal isolation? Interesting...
"Here I was, only in my second or third adulthood, and already ready to toss it all in and something, anything else." (Doctorow 11)

    Ya its still is in the prologue, and perhaps ill post another item (not get your hopes up, I have 34234 papers/projects running around) that relates more towards text, digital culture, etc., but this quote seemed humorous and potent enough to place as my agenda item. Its a comical way to display the human condition of never being satisfied, that happiness for some, is a state of mind that they attempt to find externally before internally. Also, humans, i guess even transhumans, are constantly striving to evolve and grow, and this quest continues until the end. Even in the future, where you can have multiple stages of adulthood, incredible medical care, extremely advanced technology; reaching a level of satisfaction is just as difficult as today, or yesterday, or yesteryear.  

Kirschenbaum: END

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 "The conceit of processing, meanwhile, apparently came from Umberto Eco's theories of the open text and the idea that a literary work was a field of relations in which a reader could be invited to intervene and interact in a controlled or calibrated manner" (Kirschenbaumm 172)

   Yup, text based adventure games can be viewed as literary works, because they call upon the "gamer" or reader to examine, interpret , and analyze the text. Its a two way process, the game, as well as the book, needs the reader in order to exist. 


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  • Can a blogger be a journalist?  Is this particular blogger a journalist? Who decides? I guess a blogger could be a journalist if all his sources a verified, although most bloggers write opinionated entries. Oh, I suppose a article or entry that has been verified as fact is simply an article. So no, a blogger cannot be a journalist. This blogger isnt not a journalist because he does not present any sources, references. I understand to the importance to keep the material anonymous, but in doing so it cannot be presented as factual.   
  • Is it journalism if it relies wholly on archival material? Not if no one edits the entry, or browses for incorrect material.
  • Is it reliable journalism if it depends on anonymous sources (in this case, the unnamed source who provided the author with the Infocom archives)? Again, I would would say not, because the source is unidentified. 
  • Is it journalism there is no editorial oversight -- nobody to say "Woah, there, are you sure you should be publishing the full text of e-mails that were sent from one private individual to another?" No, you need to check your information and sources
  • Was the information pressing enough, or of sufficient news value, to justify a "publish first and ask questions later" attitude? No, i dont think so. While this is seems to be an extremely important matter, I dont that by withholding the information a few more months to cross check his sources would have hurt. 
  • Is it journalism if the author offers to de-publish text that the original authors don't want published? I suppose if the information is edited by the original material, ya that works
  • What opportunity for insight and subtlety was lost when the author chose to publish without checking with the sources? They could be huge caps and incorrect material, and with a subject matter that seems to be taken so serious, it was a bit foolish to jump the gun on this entry

Ch. 3 kirschenbaum

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"For the contemporary scholar and theorist of electronic literature, however, Mystery House...becomes a multivalent forensic environment" (Kirschenbaum 129)

   Brief quote that explains make a statement about the origins of computer games, and what they were based on. Crime games and interactive text based adventures have long been a part of the video game society, starting with the earliest forms. 

MEchanisms: storage.

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 " Computers themselves were initially engines of prediction and prognostication..., not recollection and storage; they only became so with the advent of the so-called von Neumann model and the somewhat later addition of random access disk memory, which enabled reliable real-time, nonsequential access to large reserves of information." (Kirschenbaum 5)

     It seems Kirschenbaum is asserting how technology, and the advancement of storage, impacted our ability to process, store, and manage large systems of data, which in turn created a larger and more complex database. He also goes on to make note of the accessablity of memory and storage (Ipod/flashdrive etc.), and how this transformation has created a more open and transferable network.

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