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November 13, 2005
We the Media Ch 3-5
"Webloggers and other online commentors keep stories alive, dispite medias disinterest."
I think that these chapters were very redundant in the fact that it kind of talked about the same stuff over and over again. I do think that there was so interesting points made in these chapters. Especially how anyone can make news and that newsmakers do not have the control over information given out to the public.
I think that Gillmore has a great point about how modern communication is the spreader of news. You can find almost anything you want to know by just the click of the mouse. This new type of communication messages to the outside world and improves how we communicate internally. I think that if we have the guts to say something on the internet to millions of viewers, that we have the potential to say it to someones face.
I think modern communication will bring us together for the best; as well as get all the juicy details on a story.
Posted by Denamarie at November 13, 2005 08:17 PM
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Dena, do you realize that your first sentence is redundant? Being redundant pretty much means you say the same thing over and over. You people from Phily crack me up! =0)
Anyway, I think that the statement: "This new type of communication messages to the outside world and improves how we communicate internally." is really interesting. And to a certain extent I agree. When people have the opportunity to pose their opinion so that others may hear (or read I suppose I should say) it will make them think more about how they feel about a certain subject. It might get them to think about things they didn't previously.
But, I don't believe this online communication is all great either. You said: "I think modern communication will bring us together for the best..." but I am not sure about that completely. Sometimes I think these forms of communication take away from the human aspect of things. It creates a greater lack of human contact. And I see that as a bad thing in a lot of instances. I think something is lost by communicating through emails and weblogs etc. There is just something less personal about it to me. So sometimes I worry that we will become a society that loses the ability to interact with each other in an effective way in person.
So, while all this communication revolution stuff is great, and I do think it will transform journalism, I think we also need to be wary of how much we depend on it for communication.
Posted by: Lorin Schumacher at November 16, 2005 10:25 AM