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December 02, 2005

Tragedy of a Common Man

"Tragedy, then, is the consequence of a man's total compulsion to evaluate himself justly."
This line is so strong and powerful. It relates to people very well. Humans tend to judge theirselves and are very compulsive when it comes to the subject of theirselves.

I think that Arthur Miller brought up a very good point of how some may think that a tragedy is more pessimistic than it is optimistic. This is a great arguing point for a tragedy. To me, I believe that it is optimistic. I think that the flawed character has chances at freeing himself from evil and that there is a brighter side, they just need to find it. However, pessimism sounds like it deals with a tragedy. I feel that it all depends on the reader and how they interpret the piece of literature they just read.

This essay was fantastic and it was very informative and helpful. Arthur Miller presented very good points and details. I really enjoyed reading this essay.

Posted by Denamarie at December 2, 2005 01:37 PM

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