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Book List for Jerz's Classes, Spring 2007

Students do not need to purchase their books through this page -- you are welcome to buy them from anywhere. These links are for your convenience.

EL 150: Intro to Literary Study

If you already have a copy of King Lear or you don't mind using one from the internet, you don't have to purchase the one I recommend. But the one on this list has good notes on the language, which is why I recommend it. All the others are required. If you want to get ahead in your reading, I suggest that you start with A Good Man is Hard to Find (we'll read the whole book) and King Lear.

EL200: Media Lab

If you already have a recent copy of AP Style, you needn't purchase a new one.

EL312: Literary Criticism

Berger's book is a mystery novel that attempts to teach about postmodern literary theory. If you'd like to get a head start, read that book, as well as Pale Fire (a novel).

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