1 Mar 2006
Article: Simonds
Simonds, Peggy Munoz. "`To the Very Heart of Loss': Renaissance iconography in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra." Shakespeare Studies 22 (1994): 220+. Academic Search Elite Seton Hill University Lib., Greensburg. 23 Feb 2005. (http://reeveslib.setonhill.edu). [Note: There are photos in the PDF version, but not the HTML version.]
(Update, 28 Feb: I had her listed as "Munoz" but it's the same author.)
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Simonds Academic Article
Excerpt: Article: Simonds -- Jerz: Intro to Literary Study (EL150)...
Weblog: Denamarie Ercolani
Tracked: March 1, 2006 03:38 PM
Excerpt: Article: Simonds -- Jerz: Intro to Literary Study (EL150)...
Weblog: Denamarie Ercolani
Tracked: March 1, 2006 03:38 PM
Who is the Protagonist?
Excerpt: Article: Simonds -- Jerz: Intro to Literary Study (EL150)...
Weblog: ElyseBranam
Tracked: March 2, 2006 07:21 PM
Excerpt: Article: Simonds -- Jerz: Intro to Literary Study (EL150)...
Weblog: ElyseBranam
Tracked: March 2, 2006 07:21 PM
Posted by: Mike Rubino at February 28, 2006 07:34 PMhttp://blogs.setonhill.edu/AndrewLoNigro/2006/02/helpless_in_egy.html#comments
Posted by: AndrewLoNigro at February 28, 2006 09:01 PMPost a comment