13 Mar 2006
Article: Hall
Hall, Joan Lord. "`To the Very Heart of Loss': Rival constructs of `heart' in Antony and Cleopatra." College Literature 18.1 (1991) 64+. Academic Search Elite Seton Hill University Lib., Greensburg. 23 Feb 2005. (http://http://reeveslib.setonhill.edu).
Excerpt: Article: Hall -- Jerz: Intro to Literary Study (EL150)...
Weblog: Denamarie Ercolani
Tracked: March 12, 2006 07:38 PM
Excerpt: Article: Hall -- Jerz: Intro to Literary Study (EL150)...
Weblog: AndrewLoNigro
Tracked: March 12, 2006 10:00 PM
Posted by: Mike Rubino at March 12, 2006 07:12 PMAfter reading this article, I was able to compare and contrast the importance and how it symbolizes. In Antony and Cleopatra, Shakespeare dramatizes the classical love story of the Roman general and the Egyptian queen, their fatal romance, and the power struggle that leads to the triumph of Octavius Caesar. Because the play is so broad in scope, it is one of Shakespeare's least accessible tragedies. This reference provides a thorough overview of the play, its background, and its critical and dramatic legacy.
Posted by: sarah lodzsun at March 13, 2006 12:07 PM