22 Jan 2007
5.4 Texts
Please acquire your own individual copies of the assigned texts, and bring a copy to class on the day the discussion is scheduled.
Some assigned texts are available online. You may print these out, you may purchase your own book or check one out from the library, or you may bring an electronic version on a laptop or PDA.
If you wish, you may purchase copies of textbooks through an Amazon.com affiliates page that I have set up. (You don't have to buy them through this link -- you can use the campus bookstore or any other supplier.)
Card, Ender's Game
Edson, Wit 0571198775
Foster, How to Read Literature Like a Professor 006000942X
Gibaldi & Franklin, MLA Handbook (6th ed) 0873529863
Hamilton, Essential Literary Terms 0393928373
Lemire, I'm an English Major -- Now What? 1582973628
O'Connor, A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories 0156364654
Truss, Eats, Shoots and Leaves 1592400876
Shakespeare, King Lear 074348276X (You may use any edition. This one happens to have very useful annotations.)