24 Jan 2007
Introduction to Weblogs
In Admin 309 (computer classroom).
All students will receive their own personal online journals (weblogs) at blogs.setonhill.edu.
In class: Post a quotation from the assigned readings, and briefly state what you would talk about if called on to lead a brief class discussion about your quotation. (That's your "agenda item" -- see the course FAQ page.)
Experienced bloggers, please help classmates if necessary... this is just practice today.
About Weblogs
A recent article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette focused on how Seton Hill University students have been using their academic weblogs. Maybe somebody you know got quoted!
Agenda Items and Online Discussion
Some time today, post your agenda item for the next class discussion.
By the beginning of that class period, post a brief response on the weblogs of two to four classmates. Find their blogs by clicking on their names, in the list to the left.
In class, I may call on you to share with the class the agenda item you posted on your own blog. I may also ask you to share with the class the comments you left on peer blogs. Most students find that hit helps to bring printouts of those online contributions, so you have something to consult when I call on you.
Excerpt: Introduction to Weblogs -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study) "Maybe it's no surprise, given how empowering it can be to have one's own thoughts transported instantly across the globe. But once there, they become fodder for anyone who is...
Weblog: JaraWhite
Tracked: February 1, 2007 2:14 PM
We didn't get through all the material, but you can view the tutorials yourself on this page:
If you have any questions about your SHU blog, please post them here, and I'll respond as quickly as I can.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at January 24, 2007 12:32 PM