26 Jan 2007
RRRR (Read, React, Respond, Reflect)
A four-step process that helps you prepare for a productive class discussion using the SHU weblog system.
We will start out slowly at first, only completing a part of the RRRR process, so that the whole class has the chance to adjust to it. Once we start the full process, for each item or group of items marked as "Text" on the course outline, Read the assignment, react by posting an "agenda item" (see glossary) at least 24 hours before the class discussion, respond to 2-4 items posted by your peers, and reflect on the experience in a half-page essay (100-200 words -- see "reflection paper" in the glossary).
The process of reading, reacting, responding, and reflecting is part of all critical thinking and writing. In our online community, we will practice, in an informal manner, the intellectual activity that goes into the production of a college-level research paper.
While your agenda items and lengthier reflections should be a little more formal, when you leave comments, don't worry too much about typos or grammatical mistakes. Feel free to use :) and LOL if you like.
Did you want us to turn in reflection papers for Wednesday's (1/24) readings on Friday as well as Friday's reflections?
Posted by: Chera Pupi at January 24, 2007 11:55 PMThat's a good question, Chera.
I didn't think that Wednesday's readings were complex enough that a reflection paper is necessary for you to get something out of them, so I assigned them before I formally introduced the RRRR sequence for this class. So I don't need to see refection papers for the readings that were due on Wednesday. (I do want to see the agenda items, however, and I'll remind everyone of that when we discuss our blogging experiences so far.)
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at January 25, 2007 10:12 AM