Intro to Literary Study (2005)

16 Feb 2005
Hácová, ''Love, Life and Death in Coleridge's Poem 'The Raven'''

Hácová, Pavlína. Hácová, ""Love, Life and Death in Coleridge's Poem 'The Raven'." Philosophica 73 (2000). 111-115. 14 Feb 2005.

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Life and Death with the Raven
Excerpt: I actually enjoy reading a literary analysis sometimes. (Notice I said "sometimes". The long winded ones I have no patience for.) Reading someone else's thoughts on a piece of writing helps me to understand some of the symbolism I probably...
Weblog: Special K
Tracked: February 16, 2005 08:58 AM
Love, Death, & Ravens
Excerpt: Pavlina Havoca writes, "As a common thread through the works of Coleridge, there is the theme of life and death." Um... isn't that pretty much the theme of everything? Life and death is a pretty broad subject range. I could...
Weblog: Literary Tease
Tracked: February 16, 2005 06:06 PM
Love, Life and Death in Colderidge's "The Raven"
Excerpt: In this essay/reflection on "The Raven," Hacova discusses the theme of life and death which is prevalent in many of Colderidge's works. There is a lot of talk about symbolism in this poem and Hacova discusses that in the article....
Weblog: Roamer's Zone
Tracked: March 1, 2005 03:15 PM
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