22 March 2006
if ("class_topics" != syllabus) { ?>if ("class_topics" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("class_topics" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("class_topics" == "faq") echo "Key Concept: "; if ("class_topics" == "due_dates") echo "Due Today: "; if ("class_topics" == "class_topics") echo "Topic: "; if ("class_topics" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("class_topics" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Critical Essay Workshop
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if ("due_dates" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("due_dates" == "faq") echo "Key Concept: "; if ("due_dates" == "due_dates") echo "Due Today: "; if ("due_dates" == "class_topics") echo "Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("due_dates" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Ex 2-1b: Punctuation 2 (15pts)*
Rescheduled from March 20.
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if ("due_dates" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("due_dates" == "faq") echo "Key Concept: "; if ("due_dates" == "due_dates") echo "Due Today: "; if ("due_dates" == "class_topics") echo "Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("due_dates" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Ex 2-2b: Critical Essay Peer Review (10pts)
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if ("class_topics" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("class_topics" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("class_topics" == "faq") echo "Key Concept: "; if ("class_topics" == "due_dates") echo "Due Today: "; if ("class_topics" == "class_topics") echo "Topic: "; if ("class_topics" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("class_topics" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Sonnet Workshop
Iambic Pentameter
bah BUM bah BUM bah BUM bah BUM bah BUM
Use elision to shorten multi-syllable "ed" words: shortened = "BUM bah BUM" while shorten'd = "BUM bah".
And don't put unimportant little words
Like "a" or "the" or "and" in stressed beats
Unless you want those words to jump right out
And shout out loud, above their neighbor words.
14 lines
8 LInes introducing the main idea (ABABCDCD or ABBACDDC or even ABABACAC or some variation)
[major break in thought, introducing a new idea]
4 Lines developing that new idea (continuing rhyming pattern previously established)
2 Lines concluding the poem (rhyming couplet)
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if ("due_dates" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("due_dates" == "faq") echo "Key Concept: "; if ("due_dates" == "due_dates") echo "Due Today: "; if ("due_dates" == "class_topics") echo "Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("due_dates" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Ex 2-3a: Original Sonnet Draft (10pts)
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if ("news" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("news" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("news" == "faq") echo "Key Concept: "; if ("news" == "due_dates") echo "Due Today: "; if ("news" == "class_topics") echo "Topic: "; if ("news" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("news" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>I Know You Will Be Crushed, But...
I will be away at a conference Wednesday through Friday.
You needn't meet in the classroom, but I am not delaying any of the work that's described on the website. Please continue to read, blog, and peer review as usual. You might consider using class time to visit the writing center, practice reading your sonnet to a classmate, or simply work on your Shakespeare paper.
The online exercise that was scheduled for Friday will be put off for a few days. (But the one rescheduled for today, Wed the 22th, has not been changed.)
I do want to call your attention to Monday's job application activity. I should have internet access while I am away, so I should be able to answer any questions as usual.
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