21 Nov 2005
Ex 0-2: Entertainment/Sports Writing (Rescheduled from 16 Nov)
300 words. Optional. (Similar to Exercise 0-1.) Adds up to two points to your lowest exercise grade. Write a review of the SHU production of Kindertransport (opening Nov 11), OR write a story on a sporting event at SHU the previous weekend. Go beyond simple summary, and include interviews with appropriate local figures. (For example, Fuddy Meers is a comedy about someone with a mental disorder. You might contact someone at SHU who works with mental disorders.) When you submit your article, include a printout of a recent professional article on the same topic (theatre review, or sports news), and a brief note on ways in which an arts review differs from an English lit paper, or ways in which a sports news story differs from a hard news story.