7 December 2005
if ("due_dates" != syllabus) { ?>if ("due_dates" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("due_dates" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("due_dates" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Ex 2-5: Peer Copyediting
Mark copyediting changes on two student articles (not the same students whose work you reviewed in Ex 2-4). Confine your marks to copyediting issues only, and use the proofreader's marks in the back of the AP Stylebook (page 370 in my edition).
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if ("in_class" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("in_class" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("in_class" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("in_class" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Publication Workshop
The class will make decisions about placement and layout for our mock newsmagazine.
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