11 Nov 2005
Ex 2-1: CST Application Report
Length: 2-3 pages. Demonstrate your ability to apply CST principles to support an argument that you make about one or more of the plays on the syllabus.
Include direct quotations from CST documents and the play(s) you wish to examine.
You will need to approve your paper topic in advance. Dead Man Walking is constructed as a social debate, so I would expect a paper on that topic to delve more deeply into one particular aspect of the issue, rather than simply restate the debate depicted in the play. If, on the other hand, you choose a different play, in which the social justice issue is not immediately obvious, you can more easily demonstate your ability to think critically on your own.
Possible paper topics might include:
- alienation and marginalization in Machinalthe proper role of the state and A Man for All Seasonsthe Gentleman Caller from The Glass Menagerie and economism and consumerism
This assignment does not call for an analysis of current events, or your own personal ruminations on the matter. Instead, demonstate your skill at close reading. As always, avoid plot summary. Assume that your reader not only knows the texts well, but has them within arm's reach. There is no need to summarize the plot or write a lengthy explanation of your chosen CST principle.
Use textual evidence to support a specific, non-obvious claim that arises from the particular representation of reality found in one or more literary works.
You may use this exercise as the basis of Paper 2.
Excerpt: For my CST Report I was thinking about doing something on Jim's treatment of Laura in "The Glass Menagerie" and how it may seem that he is trying to flirt with her, but really he's just being friendly because he...
Weblog: LorinSchumacher
Tracked: November 10, 2005 07:40 AM
Excerpt: Ex 2-1: CST Application Report -- Drama as Literature (EL 250)...
Weblog: DanielleMeyer
Tracked: November 10, 2005 11:18 AM
Excerpt: Ex 2-1: CST Application Report -- Drama as Literature (EL 250)...
Weblog: Shameless Digressions
Tracked: November 10, 2005 02:42 PM
I was thinking of a topic to write about for this paper. This is my number one topic. Give some feedback, let me know what you think.
The play I chose was "Kindertransport." I would like to use the topic of how Faith thinks that her mother should have told her about her past, and Evelyn thinks that she was right in not telling her daughter about the past.
My thesis would be something like... Faith and Evelyn disagree on whether or not the truth about the past is important in determining one's identity. I'm not quite sure what the argument would be for that though.
I can apply CST by using the Principle of the Common Good. And how that principle discusses that people need to reach their full potential. Faith may have been stopped from reaching her full potential by not being told the truth about her past. It also talks about people realizing their human dignity.
What do you guys think? Should I stick with this? Thanks!
Posted by: Andy LoNigro at November 9, 2005 10:40 PMHey Andy, it sounds like a really good topic to talk about. You kind of have an srgument in your thesis though. Like.... You can argue about whether it was right or wrong that Eva didn't tell Faith about her past, especially since your topic is that one thinks its right and one thinks its wrong. I guess you could make valid points to why it was a good thing in a way and why it was a bad thing in a way. I don't know if that really helped at all but I tried lol. Good luck!!
Posted by: Danielle Meyer at November 10, 2005 11:12 AMThat sounds like a good topic, Andy. The whole background of the holocaust also involves the dignity of the human person and respect for life.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at November 10, 2005 11:51 AMI was thinking about writing why Sir Thomas More was wrong and a bit hypocritical because he didn't follow the principle of participation. King Henry needed a male heir, that is what would be best for the society but yet More was oppposed to the divorce.
Posted by: Sean Runt at November 10, 2005 01:33 PMInteresting approach. CST also teaches that the family is paramout, so your reading of the principle of participation seems to confict with the CST principle of association. The play gives Henry good arguments for why he is doing what he tries to do, but the oath of allegience was a by which Henry could exclude from society those who didn't agree with his views. The play certainly presents More as an honorable man who is willing to watch his career and health slip away because of his desire to keep his conscience pure. That doesn't seem like the action of a hypocrite.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at November 10, 2005 01:55 PMI am writing about how Evelyn should forgive and be grateful to her mother for sending her away. She had to save her life. I will be including the principles of solidarity(extend your love globally), Lil taking Eva in; and Helgas respect for human life(everyone is precious and worthy of protection).
Posted by: Denamarie at November 10, 2005 03:20 PMThis is true. Maybe I'll do the role of State in A Man for All Seasons because King Henry was an oppressive King and had More tried and executed because of his thoughts.
Posted by: Sean Runt at November 10, 2005 03:28 PMThe topic of my CST paper will be the Principle of Assiociation, how in Kindertransport, Eva was forced to learn English and drop her Jewish heritage.
Posted by: Kevin Hinton at November 10, 2005 04:37 PMIs that o.k Dr.Jerz
Posted by: Kevin Hinton at November 10, 2005 04:39 PMSean -- I think you've got a good topic somewhere in there. Henry was generous and supportive of those who thwarted him, so in a way he was just being a responsible ruler when he tried to put down his detractors. (I'm just being devil's advocate again, Sean -- that's just my way.)
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at November 10, 2005 05:41 PMDenamarie -- good job, you've already picked out some specific principles to examine. I think you'll find plenty of good stuff there.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at November 10, 2005 05:42 PMKevin, how does applying the principle of association teach us something new about Eva's situation? You don't need to answer that on the blog, but I would like you to keep it in mind as you write, so you don't end up just listing things that happened in the play. Yes, you can go with that topic.
Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at November 10, 2005 05:43 PMIs it okay to start my paper with a quote?