29 Aug 2005
250 Homework Reminder
On Monday morning, right after class, I e-mailed this out to all students via J-Web:
I always enjoy the first meeting of a class. I’m looking forward to plenty of stimulating discussions with bright students.In order to get you started, I'm sending out this message to remind you what to do for class on Wednesday.
Read through the syllabus and other materials I handed you today.
The course website is here:
http://blogs.setonhill.edu/DennisJerz/EL250/Click on the following link to go directly to the page for 29 August.
Click on each of the main links and read each entry -- "Welcome to 'Drama as Literature', 'Conflict', 'RRRR' and 'Reflection Paper'.Now click on the following link to go to the page for August 31. (Or you can just click on the date in the calendar.)
First read the handout on "Close Reading." If you'd like more clarification on the subject, you may click on the resources listed under "See also."
Back on the August 31 page, you'll find links to pages I created for your two assigned readings.
At least 24 hours before the next class (that is, by 9am tomorrow), post a brief "reaction" to each of the assigned readings. (This is part of the "Read, React, Respond, Reflect" sequence I'm asking you to follow for each assigned reading.)
Post your reaction to "Heart in the Ground" on this page...
Post your reaction to "Trifles" on this page. I had wanted you to read the version in the Gwynn anthology, but I’ve posted a link to an online copy. (The work is no longer protected by copyright, so it’s a legal copy, in case anyone was wondering.)
In the future, I'll ask you to “Respond” to the comments that your peers have posted, but for now you can just skip ahead to the fourth R, "Reflect." Here's a link to the "Reflect" handout, to refresh your memory.
Before long, I'll give every student his or her own weblog at "blogs.setonhill.edu/YourName". If you already have a blog somewhere and you'd like me to visit it, I'd be happy to stop by, but for administrative reasons I'm going to ask you to blog all your homework at the SHU site. (The instructions will come soon... don't worry about it.)
Many students have kept their weblogs after class is over, and quite a few were blogging over the summer. If you'd like to see what other bloggers are up to, visit http://blogs.setonhill.edu/nmj