27 July 2005
if ("news" != syllabus) { ?>if ("news" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("news" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("news" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("news" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>10000 Entries
This was a test post that I created while working on a new course weblog. I was about to delete it when I noticed that it's the 10,000th entry created on blogs.setonhill.edu.
Using this weblog system, I've created blogs for about 8 classes, each with about 80 entries that I create en masse using a spreadsheet, mailmerge, and MT's import entries feaure. But still that leaves over 9000 entries created one at a time, by people who have something they want to say -- even if, for many students, they're only doing it because they want the course credit.
I've been very pleased with the intellectual quality that SHU students have demonstrated through their blogs. When students have chosen to use their blogs in order to express themselves creatively and personally, I feel the insights I have gained have helped me as a teacher.
Here's to the next 10,000 blog entries at Seton Hill University.
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