At 4:53 PM Thu 15 Oct, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"The Writer's Statement, The Writing Process, and The Like " -- "As I was transferring my old files to my new laptop, I noticed my writer's statement that I had written in 2008 for Writing of Fiction class at Seton Hill. It brought me back to the last few weeks there...."
754 more words; 0 comments

At 8:07 AM Mon 08 Dec, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"Full Circle" -- ""Okay everybody, good job, thanks for all your work this semester," were the final words I will remember as the last spoken from a professor in a college class. I am a senior now. Three and a half solid years..."
460 more words; 6 comments

At 8:04 AM Mon 08 Dec, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"Bringing Things Together" -- "When I heard about this project, at the beginning of the semester, I had that same feeling inside that you get when you know there's something overwhelming ahead in your future. However, during the semester, we completed a progression of..."
918 more words, 1 link; 0 comments

At 10:37 PM Sun 07 Dec, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Final Term Project" -- "In the beginning of this semester, I never thought I would be able to create a website from scratch; however, for my final project in Writing for the Internet, I decided to create a website rather than an Interactive Fiction..."
571 more words, 9 links; 0 comments

At 8:41 PM Sun 07 Dec, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"Beckett Hill Manor Presentation" -- "I have been working on one of the most difficult tasks I had to do in this class. That is to create a game on a program that I'm not familiar with. I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't make..."
214 more words; 0 comments

At 9:28 AM Fri 05 Dec, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Portfolio Four" -- "Let me start off by saying that this is my last blogging portfolio of my college career. :( This class has been incredibly helpful not only with my writing and communication skills, but with my technological skills as well. As..."
462 more words, 14 links; 0 comments

At 9:26 AM Fri 05 Dec, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"BETA" -- "While doing the alpha testing, I was able to get ideas from other classmates as well as get tips on how to do something to my own site. While my site right now is becoming visually attractive with fonts and..."
496 more words; 0 comments

At 4:53 PM Thu 04 Dec, RachelPrichard updated RachelPrichard [Entries: 186]
"EL 405 Final Project Main Blog 3" -- "Here is my cam studio presentation on my inform 7 game..."
0 more words, 1 link; 0 comments

At 3:31 PM Thu 04 Dec, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"As it comes to a close: Portfolio 4" -- "As this semester comes to a close I've taken a minute to step back, take a breath from EL 236, and look at exactly how much my relationship with online writing has grown. I'd like to say I was okay..."
698 more words, 17 links; 1 comments

At 3:24 PM Sat 06 Dec, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"EL 405: Final Project Gallery" -- " Project Log :: Related Resources :: Developer's Commentary Screencast..."
3 more words, 4 links; 0 comments

At 2:30 PM Thu 04 Dec, RachelPrichard updated RachelPrichard [Entries: 186]
"EL 405 Final Project Main Blog 2 - Interactive Inform 7 Game" -- "The game should appear below. The part above is the game...."
0 more words; 0 comments

At 2:59 PM Tue 02 Dec, RachelPrichard updated RachelPrichard [Entries: 186]
"EL 405 Final Project Main Blog 1" -- "Welcome to the blog on my final project for EL 405 - My first complete Inform 7 game entitled : "Seton Hill Game" AUTHORS STATEMENT When I began working with Inform 7 in my sophomore year at SHU, I never..."
539 more words, 6 links; 0 comments

At 10:08 PM Tue 02 Dec, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"EL 405: Author's Statement" -- "I wanted to learn how to make an interactive map..."
70 more words, 1 link; 0 comments

At 10:07 PM Thu 04 Dec, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"EL 405: Related Resources" -- " To create the map, I followed the tutorial of..."
93 more words, 6 links; 0 comments

At 10:06 PM Wed 03 Dec, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"EL 405: Developer's Commentary Screencast" -- ""
0 more words; 0 comments

At 9:59 PM Fri 05 Dec, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"EL 405: Project Log" -- "We started off using the tutorials in the book, Flash..."
210 more words, 9 links; 0 comments

At 9:40 PM Mon 01 Dec, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"EL 405 Final Project Progress" -- "I created a new map and several new views over..."
35 more words, 1 link; 2 comments

At 12:14 AM Mon 01 Dec, RachelPrichard updated RachelPrichard [Entries: 186]
"reflection on EL 405 project" -- "So this is one of my only blogs for my final project of making my inform 7 game more than it was earlier in the semester. Since this was my second time delving into inform 7, I was somewhat familiar..."
136 more words; 2 comments

At 10:45 PM Sun 30 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"Getting There" -- "I am in the final stages of refinement for my website. I've worked out a lot of the rough edges that appeared in the beginning and am now focusing on the final big picture issues that may need some altering...."
216 more words, 2 links; 5 comments

At 6:01 PM Sun 30 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Almost there" -- "So this is my final rough draft of my Dads Raising Daughters website. With this website, I tried to inlcude helpful information to those fathers who are raising daughters alone. With my personal experience, I feel that my advice is..."
93 more words, 2 links; 4 comments

At 11:07 PM Tue 18 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"First Viewing" -- "So I've made some progress on my term project: a website dealing about Writing information. I basically ran with some of the ideas I had about including info about MLA and APA styles, writing thesis sentences, getting started with brainstorming..."
243 more words, 2 links; 1 comments

At 10:02 PM Tue 18 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"You Can't Take Everything" -- "When Aja Hannah tested my game, a few things were going through my mind. She stated that most of her problems stemmed from the fact that she was confused on where to go. Granted, the second floor wasn't finished yet,..."
72 more words; 4 comments

At 3:36 PM Tue 18 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"I am my own worst critic" -- "I am my own worst critic. No matter what I do to a website or for any other project, I will always have more criticism to give to myself than others do. I am passionate about the subject that I'm..."
186 more words, 1 link; 1 comments

At 6:52 PM Sun 16 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"See the Problems... Where's The Solutions." -- "As I continue to make may way through Inform 7, I began to encounter some problems. Well... I don't want to say problems, more like snags. I would be able to go forward if I knew how to do certainly..."
155 more words; 1 comments

At 5:48 PM Thu 13 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"Building Beckett Hill (Progress Report)" -- "Studying the rise of horror/science fiction IF games (Slouching Towards Bedlam and Shrapnel), I've decided to create a game using that mold. I'm on the verge of writing some of the terms and characters that will be very important to..."
357 more words, 5 links; 2 comments

At 4:30 PM Thu 13 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"Writing and the internet, who would've thought?" -- "Well I started this process with two general directions to send my website: coaching and writing. I'd like to design a site that I'd be able to use when applying for teaching and coaching jobs after graduation. I want it..."
459 more words, 2 links; 5 comments

At 2:03 PM Thu 13 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Term Project Progess" -- "For my term project for EL236, I decided to do an informative website. My idea is to create a website specifically designed for single fathers raising daughters. I hope to include other information for other single parents, whether a mother..."
298 more words, 2 links; 3 comments

At 11:12 PM Tue 11 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"Hats Off to Mr. Krug" -- "I really enjoyed the contents of this book. I think that without it this class would be hard enough. The only problem I had with the book (and it had been stated in class) that is was a little outdated..."
92 more words; 0 comments

At 10:33 PM Tue 11 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Portfolio 3" -- "The most recent text we read in Writing of Fiction (EL236), Don't Make Me Think! by Steve Krug, seemed very similar to the previous text we read, Writing for the Web 3.0 by Crawford Kilian.Krug explained to me that in..."
390 more words, 24 links; 0 comments

At 9:48 PM Tue 11 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"The Path is Forged " -- "I think I've learned a great deal in this class. I'm really excited about my term project and I think this are the tools that I could use to help with that project. Nevertheless, I wish I had more time on..."
159 more words, 11 links; 0 comments

At 2:14 PM Tue 11 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"The Road to Successful Webwriting" -- "I have a very positive opinion of the last text we read in EL 236. Don't Make me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug was a creative and interesting book that helped me focus on..."
664 more words, 23 links; 0 comments

At 10:05 AM Mon 10 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"I am Wikipedia" -- "For the third section of our Wikipedia study we were to go into two pages that we were interested in and make changes to the pages. I chose, once again, the page for the Pittsburgh Steelers and I also chose..."
365 more words, 2 links; 0 comments

At 11:59 PM Sun 09 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"Edit this page" -- "I went to Wikipedia and typed in Pittsburgh Steelers. I found a very informative article about the organization. I really enjoyed the images included and the amount of effort that went into supplying the information. There are obviously some people..."
260 more words, 3 links; 0 comments

At 11:37 PM Sun 09 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"Wikipedia: Helping all people" -- "What I took away most from doing some research on wikipedia is the fact that through all of the attention the site gets and the reputation it has, Wikipedia's main goal is to help all people. My pre-knowledge of Wikipedia..."
162 more words, 2 links; 0 comments

At 4:04 PM Sun 09 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"Edition to the Two Pages" -- "Yesterday, I made editions to the two pages of Wikipedia. One of them is the page about the 1989 film Glory and I added information about the health benefits of apple juice. In the Glory article, the soundtrack was briefly discussed, and I added..."
166 more words, 4 links; 2 comments

At 1:56 PM Sun 09 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Wikipedia Edits" -- "My first contributions to Wikipedia have finally happened. I decided to edit my high school alumni, Pennsbury High School and the town of Ercolano. On the Pennsbury page, I added a little section about the softball team. I was apart..."
490 more words, 6 links; 2 comments

At 6:01 PM Sat 08 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"Examining The Skeleton" -- "Before I was given this assignment, I was a little confused about the structure of Wikipedia and how it recieve its articles. I noticed how the Seton Hill and St. Vincent article is built on the national attention and the..."
101 more words; 0 comments

At 4:48 PM Sat 08 Nov, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"EL 200: Comprehensive reading reflection" -- "Like most of my reading responses, several focused on the..."
230 more words, 6 links; 2 comments

At 6:25 PM Fri 07 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"Are the Pilliars Cracking?" -- "I would like to comment on the pilliars that Wikipedia uses as their support for the articles being produced. I. Wikipedia is a Encyclopedia: I think about all of the times,as a freshman, I tried to use an encyclopedia to..."
280 more words; 0 comments

At 5:18 PM Fri 07 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"Maybe It's Your Fault" -- "Wikipedia has tried hard in recent years to relieve themselves from as much responsibility as possible. That is simply because they gave up "quality as an issue". The whole act of research into make a claim by using respectable information...."
240 more words; 0 comments

At 3:22 PM Fri 07 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Wikipedia Articles" -- "I, of course, looked at the article about softball being that I am a softball player here at SHU. Go Griffins!SOFTBALL ARTICLECaution: You are not currently logged in. Editing this way will cause your IP address to be recorded publicly..."
338 more words, 8 links; 2 comments

At 2:54 PM Fri 07 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Getting Down To It" -- "Wikipedia strives to build a consensus and explains that it is not a democracy and the governance can be inconsistent. Sounds like the USA government. The policies and guidelines clearly explain that a user who acts against the spirit of..."
227 more words; 0 comments

At 2:39 PM Fri 07 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"Where does the blame go?" -- "There's no Wikipedia entry for 'moral responsibility'By Andrew Orlowski"So we come to the question of responsibility. We've promised to deal with the ethics of Wikipedia before, and it's no longer possible to ignore the elephant in the room, so we..."
169 more words, 1 link; 1 comments

At 2:21 PM Fri 07 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"A Way to Teach Research Skills" -- "Is Wikipedia Becoming a Respectable Academic Source?By Lisa Spiro"Just because more researchers-including some prominent ones-are citing Wikipedia does not mean it's necessarily a valid source for academic papers. However, you can begin to see academic norms shifting as more scholars..."
312 more words, 1 link; 2 comments

At 8:10 PM Tue 04 Nov, updated Kelo The Great [Entries: 199]
"The Sales Pitch" -- "Being the salesman that he is, Krug entices the readers to use the information that helps with web design. I really learned a lot from this book about what to do in creating websites. I think that the end of..."
75 more words; 0 comments

At 2:11 PM Tue 04 Nov, Andy updated AndrewLoNigro [Entries: 181]
"Don't make me think about things that I know but don't want to think about right now." -- "In Krug's final chapter, where he discusses the two main points of requesting too much personal information and using too much unecessary pizazz, I feel that he successfully wrapped up this interesting and helpful book. Throughout the book, Krug gives..."
413 more words, 2 links; 1 comments

At 6:53 PM Mon 03 Nov, West Coast Envy updated Denamarie Ercolani [Entries: 125]
"I'm allowed to lie to you :)" -- "What is a very bad idea that usability professors call? ASKING FOR TOO MUCH INFORMATION. There are two different kinds of usability disasters, as Krug put its. There is the boss asking users for more information than what they really..."
295 more words; 1 comments

At 12:16 PM Mon 03 Nov, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"SNSG Ch 15" -- "“…a staff manual is a guidebook that will help staffers..."
87 more words, 1 link; 4 comments

At 12:13 PM Mon 03 Nov, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"SNSG Ch 14" -- "“Many student newspapers relish the freedom of being able to..."
108 more words, 1 link; 0 comments

At 12:06 PM Mon 03 Nov, updated Shameless Digressions [Entries: 192]
"SNSG Ch 13" -- "“Even if the statement didn’t originate with your staff, if..."
115 more words, 1 link; 1 comments