American Literature, 1800-1915 (EL 266)

30 Aug 2005

How does a poem mean?

In high school, you may have gotten credit for being able to paraphrase poems, in order to demonstrate that you understand the literal meaning of the content. But if the purpose of a poem is simply to communicate a message, why does the poet go to all the trouble to rhyme, to make classical allusions, to choose vivid images?

Why didn't Emily Dickinson write,

Death really isn't all that scary. In fact, Death is like a classy gentleman who picks you up and takes you on the most important date of your life.
Why did she write this, instead?
Because I could not stop for Death --
He kindly stopped for me --
The Carriage held but just Ourselves --
And Immortality.
And when Edgar Allen Poe could have written,
Death always wins, so let's revel in the destruction.
why did he write:
Out—out are the lights—out all!
  And over each quivering form
The curtain, a funeral pall,
  Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
  Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, "Man,"
  And its hero, the Conqueror Worm.

See: Because I could not stop for Death
And: Conqueror Worm

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I could go into a long, tedious, and detailed explanation. But Edgar Allan Poe once answered this question:

"Art for art's sake,"

Think on that. It is saying a lot.

Posted by: Dragix at November 11, 2005 02:11 AM

That's one answer. It's certainly not the only one.

In many cultures, art had and continues to have religious significance. Drama, for instance, grew out of Greek religous festivals, and the architecture of temples and, later, cathedrals served the people's needs and also brought glory to the builders. The vanity of the nobility financed many a portrait painter, and the desire for portraits undoubtely influenced the art of portraiture,

Engaging with this question doesn't *have* to be tedious, Dragix. I'd welcome your thoughts.

"Blog gratia blogis."

Posted by: Dennis G. Jerz at November 11, 2005 02:38 AM
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