At 1:26 AM Thu 10 May, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Portfolio 3...Well it's about darn time, eh?" -- "I'm sure everyone reading this is thinking that it's probably time for me to get up my third blogging portfolio. Way past, actually... My "v" key is stuck, which is pretty inconvenient. See, typing "inconvenient" became a chore there halfway..."
72 more words, 6 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 7:41 PM Thu 03 May, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Reflection of Denamarie Ercolani's Final Paper" -- "After reading Denamarie's rough draft on the psychoanalytical criticism of The Tempest and Cinderella was a bit rough, but had many interesting points. I think that she went into plot summary a bit too much, and needed to place more..."
265 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 7:36 PM Thu 03 May, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Peer Review Fun" -- "So, after working on this paper for God-knows how many hours, the last thing I want to do is look at it. From my eyes and my perspective, this paper is a work of art and should be treated as..."
191 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 7:11 PM Thu 03 May, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Peer Review Day: I throw this in my porfolio hey baby hey!" -- "The title was my idea of a song of joy that this hell is almost over but I don't think it will be a chart topper. haha. Anyhow, we are feeling so productive that we have managed to correct papers,..."
203 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 4:48 PM Thu 03 May, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Blog Portfolio: The Beginning of the End is Where I'll Be" -- "Portfolio III -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) Wow, kids! It's been an amazing year! I've never poured out so much heart and soul into blogging or gotten so many great comments from my classmates. Vanessa and Karissa were amazing help..."
293 more words, 17 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 4:36 PM Thu 03 May, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Rough Draft/ thesis ideas/ help?!" -- " "From Prospero's viewpoint, Gonzalo's obedience to his master (even though it entailed Prospero's suffering and near-death) is praiseworthy because political obedience guarantees the stability of government (Yachnin 42)." While political obedience was a strong issue during Shakespeare's life, espec"
724 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 4:31 PM Thu 03 May, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Some random poetry I felt like busting out" -- "THE ETERNAL BLUE: SET 2 Sock puppets and holy jeans make for a mean afternoon of comedy and worship... Blue jeans slung low faded perfectly cuffed below To thee I shall protest why ruin thy holy pants with such bad..."
61 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 3 comments

At 1:47 PM Wed 02 May, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Introducing Lit Crit to the high school scene..." -- "Hmmm...I don't know if that's even doable, considering I don't remember ever being taught flat-out literary criticism before college. However, if I think about it, teachers snuck it in. Historical criticism and authorial intent are easier, I think. We tell..."
394 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 2 comments

At 12:07 AM Wed 02 May, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"The FINAL (Yes...the Final) Blog Portfolio" -- "Portfolio III -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) This is it! This is the final blog portfolio of my college career. While I am definitely excited about the conclusion of this course, there is a part of me that will miss..."
608 more words, 27 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 11:47 PM Tue 01 May, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Term Paper Draft Completed: I Think..." -- "So I managed to create 15 1/2 quality pages about Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, and I think that it is a well written paper. I think that I applied two different criticisms, authorial intent and mimesis, and rather than bashing..."
251 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 11:22 PM Tue 01 May, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"The Difference Between Change and Growth: A Final Reflection" -- "Dana Lightman wrote that “…our greatest success comes when we can meet the changes we encounter with flexibility, adaptability and resiliency.” Through using these qualities, the potential to grow occurs. As I conclude my four-year journey at Seton Hill University,..."
354 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 10:55 PM Tue 01 May, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Blog Carnival: The Education Perspective" -- "Tiffany proposed this question to us for this blog carnival: "With all of the different methods that we have studied, I'm sure that you all have your own ideas of how to introduce a work. My question is which way..."
466 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 1 comments

At 8:41 AM Tue 01 May, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Disorganization" -- "I would like to say that my term paper is going really well. I would like to say the words are simply pouring out of me every time I sit down to write and that I place my full concentration..."
139 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 2 comments

At 4:14 PM Mon 30 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Saving the Best for Last: Blog Portfolio III" -- "I titled this "Saving the Best for Last" but really, is it? Truthfully, no. This blog portfolio is small and does not showcase the full extend of my literary criticism knowledge. To get that, you'd have to look back at..."
489 more words, 23 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 11:05 PM Sun 29 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Blog Carnival: Education Style" -- "Another round of blog carnival fun- So Tiffany decided to be the generous hostess and asked the question for future teachers about how we would teach/introduce a piece of literature to our students. Now, and I always hate admitting this,..."
267 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 3 comments

At 9:44 PM Sun 29 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"So How Sweet is Lit Crit?" -- "Seriously- how sweet can lit crit be, if used creatively? Pretty amazing, it turns out. Our presentations last week were a testament to what can be done with a clever mind, technology, and a tool kit full of literary critique..."
641 more words, 14 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 11:47 PM Mon 23 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"A fashion statement..." -- "From Belsey, ''Literature, History, Politics'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism): "To say this is not, I hope, to privilege literature (and certainly not Literature) buy only to allow it a certain specificity which identifies it's use-value in the construction of..."
93 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 1 comments

At 9:49 PM Mon 23 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Tag-teaming Lit. Critics--oh my!" -- "Dock, '''But One Expects That': Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and the Shifting Light of Scholarship'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) "Once battles for recognition have been won, however, critical notions that have served as rallying cries need to..."
54 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 9:28 PM Mon 23 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Show, don't tell" -- "Barker and Hulme, ''Nymphs and Reapers Heavily Vanish'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) "Instead of having meaning, statements should be seen as performative of meaning; not as possessing some portable and "universal" content..." (445) I really liked David's presentation because..."
76 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 9:06 PM Mon 23 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"It's all an allusion...or is it?" -- "Belsey, ''Literature, History, Politics'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) "Illusion--the ordinary ideological experience of men--is the material on which the writer goes to work; but in working on it he transforms it into something different, lends it a shape and..."
84 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 2 comments

At 8:44 PM Mon 23 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Garson goes for the girly (-ies or the maidens)" -- "Garson, 'Bodily Harm" Keats's Figures in the 'Ode on a Grecian Urn''' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) "A foster child , she is to be seen and not heard; a virginal bride, she is a metaphorical female body, complete, circular,..."
125 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 4 comments

At 3:13 PM Mon 23 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Lit Crit is Not For the Innocent" -- ""Texts are certainly not available for innocent, unhistorical readings. Any reading must be made from a particular position, but is not reducible to that position (not least because texts are not infinitely malleable or interpretable, but offer certain constraints and..."
193 more words, 2 links, 0 images; 2 comments

At 12:45 PM Mon 23 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Literature, History, Politics, and Confusion" -- ""'Literature' signifies as an element in a system of differences. It is that which is not minor, popular, ephemeral, or trivial, as well as that which is not medicine, economics, history or, of course, politics. 'Literature' designated a value and..."
189 more words, 3 links, 0 images; 1 comments

At 12:33 PM Mon 23 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Where's my prize?" -- "Greenblatt, ''Culture'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) "An awareness of culture as a complex whole can help us to recover that sense by leading us to reconstruct the boundaries upon whose existence the works were predicated." (437) We are always..."
155 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 10:20 PM Sun 22 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Everybody's talkin' all this stuff about me..." -- "From Garson, 'Bodily Harm" Keats's Figures in the 'Ode on a Grecian Urn''' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism): "Among Keat's readers the sympathy is usually for the would-be ravisher, not for the potential victim." (456) I've just spent the past..."
40 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 1 comments

At 10:17 PM Sun 22 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"It's All About the Culture- Except When It's Not" -- "No lie, I fell asleep reading Garson's "Bodily Harm: Keat's Figures in the 'Ode on a Grecian Urn'". But really, can you blame me? I come into it looking for a mind-altering text about the cultural relevance of reading "Ode..."
190 more words, 2 links, 0 images; 2 comments

At 9:30 PM Sun 22 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"A history lesson" -- "From Greenblatt, ''Culture'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism): "Some cultures dream of imposing an absolute order, a perfect stasis, but even these, if they are to reproduce themselves from one generation to the next, will have to commit themselves, however..."
423 more words, 3 links, 0 images; 3 comments

At 9:04 PM Sun 22 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"The Culture of Lit" -- ""And if an exploration of a particular culture will lead to a heightened understanding of a work of literature produced within a culture, so too a careful reading of a work of literature will lead to a heightened understanding of..."
267 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 2 comments

At 5:56 PM Thu 19 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Term Project- Sleeping Beauty as Literary Critique" -- "So, why Sleeping Beauty? Well, why not, really? Regardless of the fact that it's Diana and I's favorite Disney movie, Sleeping Beauty is a form of art and literature just like anything else we could study. Some members of the..."
138 more words, 3 links, 0 images; 1 comments

At 12:49 PM Thu 19 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Done done done..." -- "Well, okay, nothing on a weblog is ever completely done. For now, though, Tiffany and I have completed our project and are ready to present on it tonight in class. Harry Potter Literary Criticism Check it out and tell us..."
5 more words, 2 links, 0 images; 1 comments

At 9:56 AM Thu 19 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"Disney, Universal, and Dickens?" -- "As English majors, I'm sure you'll appreciate this article. And as non-English majors, I'm sure you'll appreciate the "What the hell?" element as well. I recently stumbled across an article about, and I'm being completely serious about this, a Charles..."
171 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 4 comments

At 4:15 PM Wed 18 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Dock and Friends: Show Me the Struggle" -- "Dock, '''But One Expects That': Charlotte Perkins Gilman's 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and the Shifting Light of Scholarship'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
180 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 3:53 PM Wed 18 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Barker and Hrume: Reading the Readings" -- "Barker and Hulme, ''Nymphs and Reapers Heavily Vanish'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
169 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 3:40 PM Wed 18 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Garson and Keats's Historical Knowledge" -- "Garson, 'Bodily Harm" Keats's Figures in the 'Ode on a Grecian Urn''' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
122 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 1 comments

At 3:23 PM Wed 18 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Greenblatt and A Different Spin on Culture" -- "Greenblatt, ''Culture'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
196 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 3:03 PM Wed 18 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Le Blog Formal: Component Academic" -- "Term Project -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) *I am going to have people watch the video, do a worksheet and then look at the lyrics to see how quickly we pick up on intertextuality as a whole, so most of..."
930 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 2:57 PM Wed 18 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Belsey and Representation of History" -- "Greenblatt, ''Culture'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
207 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 12:03 PM Tue 17 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Le Blog Informal: My Presentation Idea" -- "Term Project -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) If you are true SNL fans, you've probably heard of Chris Parnell and/orAndy Samberg. They recently did a funny skit called "Lazy Sunday" in which they rap about going to the movies to..."
175 more words, 6 links, 0 images; 4 comments

At 5:48 PM Thu 12 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Blog Port II: Three is Where I want to be!" -- "Portfolio II -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) This time around, I'm keeping it short and sweet. My blogs have improved greatly in context and in depth. I really got alot of great discussions going and learned alot from my peers...."
155 more words, 20 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 5:44 PM Thu 12 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Kevin made an Awesome Carnival, If I could ever have a break, I'd go!" -- "Go have some hotdogs and meet the Tres Amigo's at Kevin's Carnival! I shall join for Portfolio 3, if that's cool with the Carnie!..."
0 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 5:07 PM Thu 12 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Word Up to Murfin and Ray: Frusturated" -- "I have too many assignments to be worried about looking up a word in the dictionary. I wish I could post a picture of myself banging my head against the wall. That would define frusturated and that's not in Murfin..."
10 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 5:01 PM Thu 12 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Dear World" -- "Nothing personal, but leave me alone for awhile...."
0 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 4:58 PM Thu 12 Apr, updated ErinWaite [Entries: 246]
"Drowning in the Forest" -- "I'm drowning in a sea of works cited/is this MLA style/ Did I fall asleep in my sandwich at 3 a.m. again/can't find my flip flops/overwhelmed with the assignments that seem to try to outweigh all of the others. In..."
138 more words, 0 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 12:26 AM Thu 12 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Another Snippet" -- "This is from my Blade Runner essay, and it also covers Freud's "The Uncanny" a little bit, too:..."
313 more words, 2 links, 0 images; 1 comments

At 12:14 AM Thu 12 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Pale Fire essay snippet" -- "This was the weekly assignment I'd turned in the week we read Pale Fire:..."
271 more words, 2 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 11:53 PM Wed 11 Apr, Valerie updated She Never Could Decide [Entries: 46]
"Portfolio 2: Holes Galore" -- "Here it is. I really don't have anything good to say about it aside from that. Coverage: "I have an Indigo Girls song stuck in my head now..." Also: Timeliness, Interaction "Is it true?" Also: Timeliness, Interaction "The person I'll..."
67 more words, 10 links, 0 images; 0 comments

At 7:45 PM Tue 10 Apr, Nessa updated Special K [Entries: 184]
"The Irony of Wallpaper- Feldstein Presentation" -- "“Meanwhile, Gilman’s editors have repeatedly altered the spelling of wall-paper, the overdetermined signifier that refers to both the title and the image of protean change featured in the story” (Feldstein 402) Upon my many readings of “The Yellow Wall-Paper” I..."
1035 more words, 5 links, 0 images; 2 comments

At 9:28 PM Mon 09 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Eagleton and Culture as the Base" -- "Eagleton, ''Literature and History'' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
161 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 9:17 PM Mon 09 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Keesey Chapter 7 Introduction" -- "Keesey, Ch 7 (Introduction) -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
145 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 0 comments

At 9:10 PM Mon 09 Apr, Jay updated The Gentle Giant [Entries: 189]
"Feldstein and the Reader-Respoststructuralist Criticism" -- "Feldstein, ''Reader, Text, and Ambiguous Referentiality in 'The Yellow Wallpaper''' -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)..."
123 more words, 1 link, 0 images; 1 comments