31 Jan 2006
Lehman, ''The World Trade Center'' (1996)
I found this poem on a collection of literary references to The World Trade Center.
(Scroll about two-thirds of the way down the page.)
In the future, I will want you to post all your agenda items on your own blog, but for this assignment you are free to post either on the course blog or on your own blog. (Consult the blogging instructions handout.)
Just as after death, an annoying uncle becomes revered and remembered for his sense of humor or strange talent by a family, so did the World Trade Center become a symbol for America after it was put in jeopardy. The speaker was able to find positive in these "ugly" buildings because of protective, sentimental feelings towards them. It makes me wonder how the speaker feels towards the towers now that they are gone.
What are someone's true feelings? Are they just as real if they are changed by a tragedy?
Here's a permalink to my blog entry on this reading selection:
Posted by: ChrisU at January 31, 2006 12:00 AM