Jerz: Am Lit II (EL 267)

17 February 2005

Literary Criticism

Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Chapters 7-9.

I realize that all copies of the text don't have the same introduction and preface, which were originally scheduled. I couldn't get them online fast enough, so we'll adjust the readings a bit.

Article on Fitzgerald 1

You don't need to read this one in advance. I will distribute copies of the first article in class, and we will go over it right away.

Kuamamoto, Chikako D. "Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby." Explicator 60.1 (2001) 32-41. Academic Search Elite. Reeves Library, Seton Hill University. <> 15 Feb 2005.

Article on Fitzgerald 2

I'm not expecting you to have read this before class on the 17th, but I will ask that you blog your response by Tuesday.

Barrett, Laura. "'Material without Being Real': Photography and the End of Reality in The Great Gatsby. Studies in the Novel 30:4 (1998) 18p. Academic Search Elite. Reeves Library, Seton Hill University. 16 Feb 2004.