Resurrection Blues Study Guide (online)
Online on the Guthrie Theater's website.
Miller, Resurrection Blues (to be published in February)
Roberts, Ch.17
Writing Examinations on Literature.
Use Robert's tips on studying for exams to help you come up with a thoughtful study sheet on the literary works you are examining for your term paper. What are some likely final exam questions that might draw on material you are examining in your paper?
McBride, The Color of Water (1996)
Finish book.
McBride, The Color of Water (1996)
Up to Chapter 15.
Roberts, Ch. 8
Writing about an idea or theme.
O'Connor, ''A Late Encounter with the Enemy''
Roberts, Appendix A
Critical Approaches to the Study of Literature
(Earlier I had mistakenly identified this as Appendix C. Sorry about that.)
Roberts, Ch 18
Writing and Documenting the Research Essay
Demonstrative Research Essay
In Roberts, p. 254-263. This is one model of a researched literary essay. Use it as you think about your proposal for Paper 2.
Update, 10 Mar: The example in the book examines a movie. I'm not asking you to write a paper about a movie. I am, instead, asking you to study the techniques employed by the author of this example, and to keep those techniques in mind as you plan your next major paper. Read, react, respond, and reflect on this essay, just as you would any other assigned text.
O'Connor, ''The Life You Save May Be Your Own''
Academic Article TBA
We will go over an article in class. I'm going to ask you to read it and blog about it afterwards. (There's nothing to prepare beforehand.)
Article: Kumamoto
Kumamoto, Chikako D. "Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby." Explicator 60.1 (2001) 37+. Academic Search Elite. Seton Hill University Lib., Greensburg. 25 Feb 2005. (
Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (1925)
Chapters 7-9 (finish the book)
Roberts, Appendix B
The Use of References and Tenses in Writing About Literature.
Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (1925)
Chapters 4-6.
Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (1925)
Chapters 1-3.
William Carlos Williams
In Six American Poets
Fitzgerald, ''Bernice Bobs Her Hair'' (1920)
Online at
Roberts on Character
This is chapter 3 in the 11th edition.
Glaspell, ''Trifles'' (1916)
See Roberts (Eleventh Edition) 392.
Roberts on Close Reading.
In the 11th edition of Roberts, Writing about Literature, chapter 2 is the chapter on close reading.
See also the course FAQ page on Close Reading.
Lehman, ''The World Trade Center'' (1996)
I found this poem on a collection of literary references to The World Trade Center.
(Scroll about two-thirds of the way down the page.)
In the future, I will want you to post all your agenda items on your own blog, but for this assignment you are free to post either on the course blog or on your own blog. (Consult the blogging instructions handout.)
Oster [On ''Desert Places'']
Read Judith Oster's analysis of "Desert Places," as compiled by this University of Illinois at Urbana-Champlain website: (Scroll about halfway down the page.)
Frost, ''Mending Wall'' and ''After Apple-Picking'' (1915)
Read these short poems, then print them out and mark them up.
Leave a brief comment here (or on your SHU weblog, if you're feeling up to it) in which you present a thought that only occurred to you after you spent some tme with these short works..
Mending Wall
After Apple-Picking
Frost, ''Desert Places'' (1936)
In Roberts, 334. It's not out of copyright, so I won't post it here, but you can easily find a copy through Google.