29 Mar 2007
Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms
On your blog, post a brief paragraph that demonstrates your knowledge of one term that you had to look up.
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Art of Persuasion
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)...
Weblog: Denamarie Ercolani
Tracked: March 24, 2007 7:10 PM
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)...
Weblog: Denamarie Ercolani
Tracked: March 24, 2007 7:10 PM
Murfin and Ray: Antinovel
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)...
Weblog: The Gentle Giant
Tracked: March 25, 2007 12:48 PM
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)...
Weblog: The Gentle Giant
Tracked: March 25, 2007 12:48 PM
"To Me" Finally Matters
Excerpt: As you may recall, I am not the biggest "to me" guy. However, in reserching the definition of metonymy (which ends with "my",) I noticed how important the idea of "to me" is to understanding this word. The meaning of...
Weblog: DavidMoio
Tracked: March 25, 2007 3:56 PM
Excerpt: As you may recall, I am not the biggest "to me" guy. However, in reserching the definition of metonymy (which ends with "my",) I noticed how important the idea of "to me" is to understanding this word. The meaning of...
Weblog: DavidMoio
Tracked: March 25, 2007 3:56 PM
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) Primitivism - a doctrine postulating that, although humans are essentially good, they have been (and are still being) corrupted by 'civilization.'...
Weblog: GinaBurgese
Tracked: March 26, 2007 3:06 AM
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) Primitivism - a doctrine postulating that, although humans are essentially good, they have been (and are still being) corrupted by 'civilization.'...
Weblog: GinaBurgese
Tracked: March 26, 2007 3:06 AM
I hate jumps sometimes
Excerpt: From Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism): "paradigm: See episteme." Okay, then. An episteme is a word to describe, "(1) a network of discursive practices -- of thoughts, concepts and cultur...
Weblog: She Never Could Decide
Tracked: March 26, 2007 3:57 PM
Excerpt: From Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism): "paradigm: See episteme." Okay, then. An episteme is a word to describe, "(1) a network of discursive practices -- of thoughts, concepts and cultur...
Weblog: She Never Could Decide
Tracked: March 26, 2007 3:57 PM
Concrete Poetry is Postmodern????
Excerpt: Ok. So I have to say that I still really don't understand this whole idea of postmodernism thus entering the Good Ol' Bedford. I looked up the word and realized that it went on for a page and a half,...
Weblog: ~Luna Dreams~
Tracked: March 26, 2007 4:22 PM
Excerpt: Ok. So I have to say that I still really don't understand this whole idea of postmodernism thus entering the Good Ol' Bedford. I looked up the word and realized that it went on for a page and a half,...
Weblog: ~Luna Dreams~
Tracked: March 26, 2007 4:22 PM
The Study of Language
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) "diachronic: A term used in linguistics to refer to historical linguists' study of the evolution of a language or family of languages over time" (106)...
Weblog: LorinSchumacher
Tracked: March 26, 2007 6:32 PM
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism) "diachronic: A term used in linguistics to refer to historical linguists' study of the evolution of a language or family of languages over time" (106)...
Weblog: LorinSchumacher
Tracked: March 26, 2007 6:32 PM
Blow Hard.
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)...
Weblog: MitchellSteele
Tracked: March 26, 2007 10:48 PM
Excerpt: Murfin and Ray, Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms -- Jerz EL312 (Literary Criticism)...
Weblog: MitchellSteele
Tracked: March 26, 2007 10:48 PM
EL312: Pretext, yo: The un-Bedford
Excerpt: So in reading Wright's piece on psychoanalysis, I stumbled across the word "pre-text." I circled it. I always circle words that I'm not certain of in sentences, whether I think I know the definition or not. With my circled word,...
Weblog: Sugarpacket
Tracked: March 27, 2007 10:35 PM
Excerpt: So in reading Wright's piece on psychoanalysis, I stumbled across the word "pre-text." I circled it. I always circle words that I'm not certain of in sentences, whether I think I know the definition or not. With my circled word,...
Weblog: Sugarpacket
Tracked: March 27, 2007 10:35 PM
There is Only One Epistémé - And Nothing Else
Excerpt: Epistémé (discursive formation): Based on the Greek word epistēmē, which means knowledge, a term used by twentieth-century French philosophical historian Michel Foucault to refer to: (1) a network of discursive practices - of thoughts, concep...
Weblog: A Storybook of Quotes
Tracked: March 28, 2007 8:39 PM
Excerpt: Epistémé (discursive formation): Based on the Greek word epistēmē, which means knowledge, a term used by twentieth-century French philosophical historian Michel Foucault to refer to: (1) a network of discursive practices - of thoughts, concep...
Weblog: A Storybook of Quotes
Tracked: March 28, 2007 8:39 PM
This week's reading in a nutshell:
Posted by: Kevin "Kelo The Great" Hinton at March 23, 2007 6:48 PMhttp://blogs.setonhill.edu/LorinSchumacher/2007/03/the_study_of_la.html
Posted by: Lorin at March 26, 2007 6:38 PMhttp://blogs.setonhill.edu/ErinWaite/2007/03/word_up_simulac.html
Posted by: Erin at March 28, 2007 2:34 PMPost a comment