8 May 2007
if ("due_dates" != syllabus) { ?>if ("due_dates" == "class topics") echo "Today's Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "readings") echo "Assigned Text: "; if ("due_dates" == "faq") echo "Key Concept: "; if ("due_dates" == "due_dates") echo "Due Today: "; if ("due_dates" == "class_topics") echo "Topic: "; if ("due_dates" == "news") echo "News: "; if ("due_dates" == "in-class activity") echo "In-class Activity"; ?>Graduating Seniors
I have to get your grades in on Tuesday, May 8. That means the last day you can submit work is Monday, May 7.
I don't think we will have to rearrange any of the other due dates, but if you'd like to meet with me in order to get faster feedback, I'd be happy to save some time for you.
(I'm posting this on March 30... I plan to post more details about the term paper soon.)
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