Jerz: New Media Projects (EL405)

7 Sep 2006

Interactive Fiction (TBA)

You don't need to create a separate blog entry for each game on this list, but if you'd like to break up your observations into separate entries, by all means go ahead.

On your own, play Pick up the Phone Booth and Die and 9:05. The first game should only take a few minutes. (There is a way to win it.) The second game has two main endings... one involves fading away without any sort of big climax, and the other involves a major revelation that is the reason I like using this game in class. You're welcome to work in groups. If you get help from a friend when you get stuck, you should be able to get through both of these in 15 or 20 minutes.

Then, sample each of the following works of interactive fiction for about 5 minutes, and choose two to play for about 15 minutes each. Your blog entry for these readings should include quotations from the games, with an explanation for why you chose the games you chose.

These are classic works from the 80s:

For general tips on playing IF, see Emily Short's Introduction to IF.


Posted by: Mike Rubino at September 6, 2006 9:22 PM

Posted by: Karissa at September 6, 2006 9:46 PM

Here's a link to my blog entry on this reading selection:

Posted by: ChrisU at September 7, 2006 12:24 AM

Well, none of these games will load on my computer. I just get a box where the game should be w/ a red X on the upper left hand corner.

I guess I'll go to school tonight after work to play them, I'll post a link to my entry then.

Posted by: stormy at September 7, 2006 11:27 AM
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