Being a Good Teacher!

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Lemire (skim Ch 2-7) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

Teach First, Love Later

"...Even if you do teach children or young people, you don't have to
love them to be a good teacher, though it certainly would help the
development of your patience, flexibility, and understanding."

I liked this quote from page 17 because it shows that you actually do not have to like the children or students. When I think of about being a good teacher, I think that it is important to be able to teach rather than like who you are teaching. It really helps when you like the students that you teach, but it is more importan to able to teach the material. I also liked the title of the short segment within the text. Being able to teach first is more important and then love later. Overall, it is important to know how to teach and what to teach then to just like the students or children.

1 Comment

I can't help but thinking that even if you don't love kids in general, you can't help but love the individuals once you get to know them. Think about how much time you will spend with them and the discussions and personal writing you will receive from them. This chapter really got me excited about teaching.

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This page contains a single entry by Derek Tickle published on February 27, 2007 4:30 PM.

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